10. I agree, I agree!

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Zahra couldn't digest anything Fadilat said. Marry her son? Which son?

"I have only one son. Khaleef of course, " Fadilat answered. Zahra didn't even know that she blurted the question out.

"Ma'am Fadilat. You are not joking right?" Zahra inquired as she felt like crying. What scenario is this? She never thought that Fadilat would ask such a question.

"Ameerah. Do I look like I'm joking?" Fadilat smiled faintly. Zahr blinked not knowing what to say.
"Okay. Let's be more serious." Fadilat sighed and explained, "KT company is going through a hard time after my husband's death……(the whole story). Khaleef insists that he can solve it but I'm his mother, and I know how helpless he is now. He couldn't sleep yesterday. As his mother, I'm more worried than anyone."

"Ma'am Fadilat. Everything will be fine In sha Allah." Zahra consoled rubbing the woman's palms. Fadilat faced her and said, "I know I might sound selfish Ameerah, but I just need your help. Finding a good wife for Khaleef will be hard because many women are just after his money but you never showed any interest in our wealth, nor did you ask for anything. Please. "

"Ma'am Fadilat, you don't have to beg me. Please. I just…." Zahra pursed her lips.

"You need to seek the approval of your mother. Just don't worry about that. I'll take care of everything. You just need to say yes." Fadilat added.

Zahra lowered her head and muttered, "I am still young and immature, uneducated and unruly. How can I get married to an influential man like Khaleef?"

"Ameerah," Fadilat raised the young lady's chin. "I know what I see in you that I chose you. Let's do it this way, if Khaleef says yes, will you agree too?"

"Khaleef?" Zahra's eyes twitched. That guy hated her to the core from the looks of things. She could only nod. Fadilat finally smiled brightly.
"I will call him home right now." She said and picked up her phone. Zahra exhaled and looked up. Ya Allah, show me the right path.


When Ayaz first told Fadilat about the marriage tactic, she thought it was a joke. First, she didn't expect him will die so soon, and that her son would grow up completely then.

"It's not a joke sweetheart. Many say that my progress is through my hard work but I know that's not all. There are times that I feel like giving up or feeling downcast, but once I remember that I have a lovely wife at home that can soothe my heart, everything becomes milder. I know the prayers you make for me every day, the advice you give to me, and how to take care of me no matter what. If my wife stands by me and believes in me, what else would I fear?

Behind every successful man is a dutiful, loving, and caring woman. My parents are dead but I will never lose, with you by my side. Allah chose you for me and I am always grateful and that's why I hope my son finds the same qualities in his wife.

Others might think that it's the shares that will benefit him but the actual reason will be his wife. A man with a happy home has  a blessed and fruitful life."

Abdul rushed back home because his mother said it was urgent. He entered the living room and met the two women there. Zahra's eyes were slightly red from the crying she did and she quickly shifted her gaze seeing Abdul.

He looked at his mother and asked, "Mum, what happened?"

"Come sit down Khaleef," Fadilat simply smiled. Abdul was suspicious but he still sat on the chair beside his mother 

"Any progress yet or any plan?" She asked calmly. Abdul glanced at Zahra and his mother. She nodded and he  said, "Yildiz and I came up with some strategies but even the best amongst them will take two weeks to show its benefits."

"I see," Fadilat nodded. "Are you still going to go with your father's plan or not?"

Abdul stared at his mother and sighed, "Mum…even if I wanted to, it won't be easy." He didn't want to say anything fully because a stranger was there.

"That, you don't need to worry because I found one for you." Fadilat smiled.

"Where?" Abdul was surprised. After trying to avoid the issue, did his mum….

The next statement got him flabbergasted.
"She is right here beside me. I want you to marry Ameerah." Fadliat said and watched as her son's eyes widened.

"What?!" He exclaimed, not knowing what to say for seconds. Abdul immediately blurted, "Seriously mum? Out of all the women you can think of, you decided to choose this liar. Someone you just met for a week, who has been lying to you all this time. I kept mentioning to you about this but you seem blind. Why would you think that I will agree?!"

Zahra felt insulted but more angry because this guy was raising his voice at his mother. Fadilat, on the other hand, showed a more serious countenance.

"Do you think that I don't know that?" She returned and he was more surprised. "Ameerah hid the fact of her family because she was protecting them from harm. And I knew about it but just kept quiet about it."

"So, her lie is justified just like that?" He added.

"Every human makes mistakes Khaleef,  and she was left with no choice. I'm sure you will do the same." Fadilat returned.

Abdul pointed at Zahra, still speaking with his mother. "How did she even find out about this? Did she volunteer for it? Is she after money or what?"

"I won't let you keep disrespecting Ameerah okay?" Fadilat glared at him. "Also, she never asked for anything from me. She came here this morning to tell me that she was leaving. What she cares about is her family and not some wealth. I was the one who asked for this favor. She is helping us here Khaleef. Stop insulting her."

"Mum," Abdul's face contorted. "Why she? Can't you let me make my choice?"

Fadilat folded her arms and spoke seriously,
"I had let you make choices before Khaleef. I didn't want you to study outside the country, but you were keen on that decision. I left everything to Allah and let you go but to date, a part of me regrets it because of the effect it had on your deen." She took a deep breath and added, "I won't let you marry a bad woman. I might have met Ameerah for a few days but I can testify to her religion, character, and diligence. Trust in Allah okay and trust in your mother's choice."

Abdul lowered his head as his breathing calmed down slowly. Fadilat let him think while Zahra's heart was beating slower than usual. His answer with determine her life.

"Do you agree?" Fadilat asked softly. Abdul raised his head and nodded. "I am sorry mum. I trust in your judgment. I agree."

Fadilat smiled and looked at Zahra. "He agreed. So do you agree too?"

Zahra forced a smile and nodded, "I agree."

"This is great. Both of you agreed. Isn't that much better?" Fadilat clapped her hand. "Oh Allah, I thank you. This calls for cookies." She stood up and rushed to the kitchen.

Zahra felt a piercing gaze and turned to Abdul, only to see him glaring at her with hatred. Was this her fault? She found his behavior unbelievable and glared back. Abdul felt like strangling this lady. She suddenly turned her head and that's when he heard his mother's voice, "She's not your wife yet Khaleef, so you can't stare at her."

Abdul pursed his lips and moved his 'gaze'. This lady will be the end of him. Fadiat was happy as she shared cookies with them.

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