33. Suspicions and decisions.

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Abdul's face dampened at Zahra's accusation. "I don't make female friends Ameerah. Or have you met one?" He returned.

"Oh, Alright," she shrugged. "What about her?"

Abdul ignored her suspicion and said, "Gulay called me before the scandal and warned me about you, that first made me suspicious. And it seems she was watching us because when you left the house, she was the one that called me and reported that you were going to meet your 'boyfriend'."

"Wow. She really is crazy about someone," Zahra chuckled.

"That isn't a good reason to go too far. You didn't do anything to her to hate you so much." Abdul stated.

"She wants to break this marriage Khaleef, so she will try her means to make you hate me," Zahra said and he harrumphed. "That will just make me hate her and not the other way around." He said and Zahra burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing now?" He asked with a frown because he could sense the sarcasm.

Zahra held her laughter back and said, "Seriously Khaleef. Why will someone like you to the extent of being obsessed?"

Abdul immediately held his chest. "Ouch Ameerah. Ouch. I feel hurt." He muttered and she eyed him. "Do you know who you are degrading? I am the most handsome and youngest CEO in Turkey. You have no idea how many girls are after this face."

"Quit boosting, because it's not working." Zahra snorted. "On a serious note, you just met Gulay once before right? And then now. Her motive when suddenly meeting you again shouldn't be to break down your family and company. It's a stupid and wicked tactic."

Abdul hummed and nodded, "It sounds so too. I had her investigated too and the info will arrive…." His phone rang and he smiled. "Soon." He picked up the phone and opened it. It was a text, so Zahra moved closer and checked.

'Gulay Albayraq is half Turkey and American. Her family lives in the States but they have relatives in Turkey. Her father's sister is an influential businesswoman, Rezan Hashim. Gulay was in her final year in the business school at the age of twenty and would have graduated as one of the youngest graduates but she missed her final presentation that year and some series of hidden events, she didn't graduate until this year. She hadn't been working since she returned to Turkey yet.'

Zahra was pleasantly surprised reading this information. So Gulay was related to Miss Rezan. Rezan had a feud with Zahra but that shouldn't make her want to break her marriage right? And what is Abdul's fault in this? Well unless Rezan was somehow connected to Uncle Erkan.

Abdul was definitely thinking of the same. Whatever thoughts they had now were suspicious because they couldn't connect the dots.
"Does that woman hate you that much?" He turned to Zahra and asked.

"I never offended her much. Well, I might have disrespected her in some cases but it shouldn't make her want to hurt me that much." Zahra protested. She now wished that witch was before her so that she could scratch her face. But she was sure of the hatred in Gulay's eyes whenever they met and the crazy adoration she had for Abdul. Unless the duo both hate her and are bent on destroying her. Rezan can't forgive Zahra and Gulay wants to take her husband. Those two, heh.

A pull on her nose brought her back to her senses and she swatted Abdul's hand.
"Who said that you can touch my nose?" She glared at him.

"What are thinking of?" Abdul asked casually.

"Just keep on with your investigation on them and be careful about Gulay," Zahra warned because she knew something was wrong with that woman.

"Okay Ameerah," Abdul nodded. "Can I have my cake now?"

"Who was stopping you?" Zahra snorted and turned around. Abdul smiled and gazed at the beautiful cake. He took out his phone and took a picture.
"Signed by the queen huh?" He chuckled and she was surprised. Abdul looked at her and said, "I've seen your drawing book, and each piece, you wrote that phrase and drew a crown. You are a great artist Ameerah."

Zahra blanked out for a moment because it's been long since someone admired her drawings. "Jazakumullahu Khair." She muttered.

"Don't bother. You deserve it." Abdul smiled. "If you can make larger pieces and display them in public, I am very sure that you will be famous in a short time."

"I'm not interested," Zahra said blatantly.

"You are hiding a talent." He insisted.

"I'll just cut the cake." Zahra shunned the idea and stood up. Since she didn't want to speak about it, Abdul let it go too.

When Fadilat came back with Laila later, Abdul had returned to the office and she was happy that they had made up. The week passed on that way.

Just as Zahra faced fake accusations, it didn't just affect her family but her friends too. When Mr Hamdan heard about it, he was relatively calm because he knew how his daughter's best friend was. He did warn Firdaus to be careful and extended his condolences to Zahra but it was different for Melis.

As she was busy with school, she didn't know what was happening. She got back home tired for the weekend and was stopped at the door by her father.

"Why don't you go back to your rotten friend?" Ozden hollered from the door.

Melis was dumbfounded because she didn't know what was happening. "What are you talking about Dad?"

"Oh, you want to pretend like you don't know a thing." Ozden hissed. "Well, your stupid cousin just got her skeletons out of her closets. She might pretend to be holy and all but she is a shameless woman and I'm irritated that my daughter is close to her."

Melis gasped and wondered what caused all this. "She is your niece's dad. Just like your daughter. Why are you insulting her this way?" She returned angrily. Not only did he neglect his brother's family, he hated them for no reason at all!

"Don't tell me such nonsense Melis. If there was a way that I could break my relationship with them, I would've done it a long time ago. " He replied and pointed at her. "Stop associating yourself with Zahra or her family or you can forget about being part of my house."

Melis clenched her fist and held her tears back. "Are you using an excuse to stop me from associating with them because they are Muslims or what?"

"You can think all that you want to think. Just do as I say." Ozden ordered.

"When it comes to this, I won't dad." She said bravely angering him more. "I am close to Zahra and her family, same with Firdaus too and I can testify that Muslims are good people. They aren't just Muslims in name but practice the real religion. You can hate them all you want but I won't stop being their friend."

"So you choose them over me?" He asked.

"Do I have any other choice?" She muttered. Ozden nodded and shifted from the door. "Go and pick your clothes since you want to leave the house."

Melis swallowed and smiled before walking in. Ozden became more infuriated when she walked out with her suitcase and a hijab on her head.

"What are you wearing Melis?" He demanded.

"My choice. I will be leaving on my own now, so it's none of your business." Melis said and walked away. Her mother, who was like Ozden's puppet couldn't say anything too.

Tears streamed down Melis's face but she looked up and knew she made the right decision. No turning back now.

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