8. The Will

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Later after dinner, Zahra sat in her room and took her Wudu and rubbed her cream, then prayed Isha. She stood up and prayed shaf'i and wutr. She finished her azkars and looked at the ceilings. Rather than the design, Zahra was envisioning her creator.

"Ya Allah, each ordeal I've met in this world was arranged by you and I always Thank you for that. I don't know why you made me meet Miss Fadilat but I trust in your judgment and will surely face them." She spoke lightly and dropped her head, as guilt shone in her round eyes. "Anne must be crying, not knowing where I am. I lied about my identity. Ya Allah forgive me." Her voice trembled as she closed her eyes.

Zahra left the praying mat as she was feeling sleepy again. Due to her drugs, she can't stay up late anymore. She laid down and closed her eyes, dozing off in a few minutes.

Meanwhile, Fadilat was in the living room reading a book while waiting for her son. Her heart won't be calm if he doesn't come back home. Fadlilat just opened a new page when she heard the sound of Abdul's car.

She quickly stood up and went to the door. Abdul met her at the door with tiredness visible in his eyes.
"Khaleef. " she rubbed his cheek.

"I'm fine mum," he smiled. She smiled and they went in. He sat on the couch tiredly and she quickly gave water to him.

"Jazakillahu khair mum," he said as he collected the glass.

"Uhm. I'll get your dinner. " she smiled and went to get his food. She dropped it on the table and watched him.

"Alhamdulillah." He stood up when he was done and moved the plates to the kitchen.

He came back and sat beside his mother. Before she asked, he explained, "I made sure to check on the matters in the company and everything is going well now. Uncle Erkan has managed to make some of the higher-ups be on his side and they show low respect toward me. He keeps mentioning that I am just wasting my time and nothing we plan will be successful."

Fadilat shrugged and said, "He will surely not let things go away. But he can't win with the way your father left."

"Oh yes mum," Abdul remembered the will. "What is written in that will?"

Fadilat took her book and removed a paper from inside, handing it over to him. Abdul read and his eyebrows raised at the contents.
"Marriage?" He looked at his mother, bewildered.

"Yeah." She nodded. In the will, Ayaz wrote that if Abdul could manage a successful married life for six months, the seat would be left to him. It means that he can manage a company too.

"How is this related to the company? I'm confused." Abdul frowned. His head couldn't register why at all.

"Don't you get the logic behind what your father left?" Fadilat inquired and he shook his head. "Marriage is a trial itself that is challenging to go through. You will face many trials in it and overcoming it is commendable. A successful husband can be a successful businessman too."

Abdul raked his hair and held his chin. "So, if we want Uncle to step down, I have to get married, like really fast, and keep the marriage peaceful for six months?"

"Yes." Fadilat nodded. Abdul curled his lips and stated, "Come on mum. Dad might have left this thinking that I won't be able to handle this situation but I can do it. I don't need to get married just to prove that I am capable or not."

Fadilat held his hand. "Khaleef. Your uncle is hell-bent on taking the company and I am sure he will use an underhanded method. If this issue were to go to the court, he might be given the head for now, before it becomes yours but before that, Erkan will destroy all the efforts your father made and he will never let you have a say in the company. Do you want that?"

"I will deal with it, mum. Didn't you say that Allah will show me the way?" He returned.

"Of course son," Fadilat sighed. "You don't have much time, Khaleef. The best way is to listen to your father. He won't say anything without wisdom in it."

Abdul exhaled and said, "Mum, just trust me too, okay? And why will I get married just to win over the company? Is that how you want my love life to be?"

The question kept Fadilat tongue-tied. She wouldn't want her son to end up with a bad wife just because of worldly property.
"Mum, please stop worrying. " Abdul rubbed her palms. She smiled and he nodded.

He hesitated before asking, "You brought Ameerah home?"

"Yes. She's upstairs." Fadil
iat answered.

"I am still confused as to why you trust that girl so easily Mum." He said.

"We have spoken about this right? Don't act like she is staying here forever. Now go and sleep." Fadilat said and pulled him up.

"You should sleep too, mum." He said and she smiled.


The next day came and by dinner, Fadilat helped Zahra exercise her arms and legs. At least, she could feel the right arm now and the cast will be gone tomorrow In Sha Allah. When  Fadilat left, Zahra could see the worry in the woman's eyes. She prayed for her to and as she lay down, she promised to use the house telephone to call home.

Later that night, Zahra's prayers were answered as her eyes flashed open. She quickly got off the bed and wore a long hijab. She walked downstairs quietly and went to the dining table where the telephone was on the wall.

She looked behind and quickly dialed her house's number but when her fingers stopped before she called.
"Anne will be emotional and won't be able to sleep. She will also demand that I come back tomorrow or start looking for me." She reasoned and deleted the number. She then dialed her friend's number.

"Salam. Firdaus," she whispered as the call was picked up. "Wa alaikumussalam. Who is …." A lazy voice sounded before she yelled, "Ameerah!"

Zahra had to move her ear and cover the phone quickly.
"Calm down Firdaus. It's me." She said wryly.

"Ya Allah, Ameerah. Do you have any idea how sick and worried we are? You have been missing for almost a week now. Your mother is sick because of worry and your brother is finding it hard to focus in school. I almost had a heart attack. Where are you?!" Firdaus shouted in one breath.

Zahra felt guilty and tears stained her face immediately. She still remembered she had to speak fast. "Listen to me Firdaus, I am fine. Tell my mother that. Will you? I got a job offer and had to work immediately. I didn't know it would lead to me staying there but I am safe and what I'm doing is halal. So, please stop worrying."

"Are you sure Ameerah?" Firdaus asked suspiciously.

"I am sure. Promise. I am safe. Take care of Anne, will you? I will be back in a day at least."

"Okay, " Firdaus sighed. "You know I love you right? I will do anything. "

Zahra chuckled and returned, "And I love you too dear." They both laughed but Zahra froze as she heard a voice behind her.

"Who are you talking to?" It was Abdul's voice. She didn't turn first and dropped the phone, deleting the number. She hoped he didn't hear everything. She turned around, and he was standing there with a mug of coffee.


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