57. Divorce.

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She promised to stay for a week and he believed her but Abdul came home and his wife was missing. He called her number several times but it wasn't going through. Abdul panicked even more when he sent people out to search for her traces but got none. It was like she disappeared into thin air. 

Abdul had to go out in search too but since she wasn't someone who goes out, he didn't even know where to start searching. He didn't want to alert her family, so he called her friends first but she wasn't there. 

Abdul can only wait until the next day before going to meet Hazaan. The shock Hazaan felt was surplus. She had no idea what thoughts were in her daughter's head for her to do such a thing. Zahra changed to what they knew her of and everyone was happy about it but just one day, she decided to change again. What happened?

They kept searching but to no avail and to make it worse, they had no idea why she would leave?! 

Abdul came back home on the third day in a haggard state and slumped by the bedside. Nothing was clear again and everywhere was dark. Where is his wife?! 


In a small dark room, a figure sat quietly on a mat holding her knee. The lamp light by the side illuminated her pale face and reddened eyes. To cover her tracks, Zahra contacted Mr. Shane who willingly helped her without asking any questions. It will be hard for Abdul to find her now. 

She knew that they were madly searching for her but it was better because she didn't want them to witness the sickness she was going through. The number of times she got a heart attack escalated to twice or thrice a day. If she stayed with them, everything would be exposed. 

Once it's done and they find out about her death, they will despair but soon forget about her. It was better than having everyone pitying her for it, that's what she thought. 

Zahra waited for two more days before deciding to end it up. She switched her phone and called Abdul. The young man who had been hoping to see that call immediately picked it up. 

"Subhanallah Ameerah. Where are you? Why will you disappear and leave all of us in a crazy and confused state?" He asked worryingly. 

Zahra swallowed her emotions and returned seriously. "I am not calling you for any chit-chat. I will send you a location and it's better if you come over to divorce me or I will do something worse than running away." 

Abdul nodded and she ended the call. At least she was willing to show herself to him. He will try his best to get her back. 

Abdul stopped his car before some buildings before alighting and walking into the lane. He didn't know he kept having wavering emotions today. Even the weather wasn't favorable today. 

He slowed down in his tracks when he saw the figure in the middle of the buildings. She had her back facing him with her hands in the pocket of the big jeans jacket she wore over a navy blue hijab. Having heard the sounds of his footsteps, Zahra turned around with a face mask on but her deadpan eyes made his feet weakened again. 

"And there I thought that you would come along with an entourage to help you beg me to come back," she scoffed and walked towards him. 

Abdul smiled faintly and stated, "I prayed and tried my best to get you back Ameerah. I didn't care about your flaws and embraced every part of you. You were my shield and support, the woman I would love to lean on every day." At the moment they were a few steps apart. He stared at her eyes and added, "I will repeat this once again. Eyes don't lie and I am sure that you can see my true intentions from my eyes and the affection you showed me wasn't false to me. The decision lies with you." 

Zahra curled her lips into a smirk. "The Zahra you first met and described in your heart is the true me. The unruly, stubborn, liar, nonreligious. I don't like acting holy all the time or obedient. I just acted to get what I wanted at that time. It was so easy to control such an arrogant and stupid man like you. Your mother was nice to me so I used that opportunity to get to you. I got everything that I wanted, what's the use of staying?" 

Abdul felt piercing pain in his heart. He will never believe that bullshit. "I won't believe it Ameerah."

Zahra laughed and said, "Believe it or not, that's your problem. I once told you this, even if you were the last man on earth, I wouldn't marry you. It's so unfortunate that I was caught up in a suffocating marriage for five whole months." 

"Is that your decision?" He asked in a low voice. 

"Must you still ask?" She hissed. "You might be the proclaimed youngest CEO but there are other better men out there. So if you claim that you 'love me'. Just. let. me. go."

Abdul covered his face and nodded slowly.

"You didn't only ditch me but your family too. If that's what you want, go ahead and do it. I won't let other important people down because of you." 

Just do it Khaleef. Zahra urged inwardly. 

"Go ahead. I'm divorcing you now. So don't come close to me or my family since that's what you want," he mouthed and a tear fell from his eyes. He clenched his fist and turned around walking away quickly. 

Zahra smiled and her fists trembled. As she watched him leave, all the memories they shared kept flashing before her eyes. 

The first day they met he pointed his gun at her. The quarrels they kept having and how they loved pissing each other off. The way they built trust and helped each other. Their warm hugs and intimate moments together, the affectionate gazes and sweet words they shared. No one will want to lose such. 

She lost the feelings in her legs, her breathing stopped and her vision went black. All she remembered was falling and a female's voice calling her name. 


Melis didn't know who contacted her, but she was given a location and that she would find her sister there. She didn't inform anyone yet and rushed over there. The moment she came was when she saw her cousin falling limply to the ground. 

She shouted her name and held her up. Her eyes widened feeling her weakened pulse and staled breathing. Zahra's lean and pale body was very visible after she took off her mask for air. Melis was extremely worried and picked her up on her back before rushing to the cab. 

She immediately rushed her to the hospital. Coincidentally, she met with Doctor Hebrew who took Zahra in. He had contacted some superiors without Zahra's knowledge and they immediately admitted her under special care. 

Melis was confused about what was going on with her sister and confronted Doctor Hebrew. 

"I will be frank with you. All of you might hate me but I was holding back from saying it because of Zahra. Get all her family members together and I will tell you what's happening." He said and walked weakly to his office. 

Melis wiped her tears and started calling them one by one. It was destined to be a shocking afternoon indeed.

The secret is out finally.

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