Chapter : 08

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As I lay in the darkness, something caught my eye

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As I lay in the darkness, something caught my eye. A spark of light, like golden fire, flickered in the distance. As it drew closer, I could see that it was a small, glowing creature, emitting a warmth that chased away the cold fear of my nightmare.

I reached out my hand, and it came closer, floating gently on the air. It was so close now that I could see its tiny face, cute and innocent. Its eyes seemed to be staring straight into my soul, and I felt a sense of peace wash over me.

The creature landed on my palm, and I held it delicately, afraid to scare it away. It continued to look at me with those big, bright eyes, and I felt a connection to it that was hard to explain. For a moment, I forgot about the rest of the world, lost in the wonder of this magical little creature.

I asked softly, 'What are you?' and softened my eyes so as not to scare it away.

The creature smiled and replied, 'I'm the phoenix spirit.'

'What phoenix?' I asked, confused.

'The first witch's summoned,' she answered obediently, truth in her eyes.

'The first witch?' I asked. 'Who is she?'

'The phoenix owner,' she replied, making a face as if to say 'duh.'

Realizing that my question was difficult for her to understand, I clarified, 'No, I mean, who is she as a person?'

Gasping, she replied, 'Ah, the savior of humankind. She fought in the great battle five hundred years ago. With her magic, she helped the warriors slay the four catastrophes. She was the bravest hero of all,' she tilted her head and asked, 'Do you not know of her?'

Well, this is new. There is more information than the original. What in the world is going on?

"No, I don't", as I answered, she looked shocked. "Why wouldn't you know? She saved humankind", she responded.
"There is no mention of any witch in the history of the great war. According to the context of the books, everyone knows the four heroes slayed the monsters", I told her.

She was furious and replied, "No, it was her who saved the humans. It was only her who did it." She looked hurt as if her heart was broken into pieces, "Humans are so ungrateful; they didn't change at that time, nor even now. Her sacrifice was all in vain."

Witches are often portrayed as villains in stories. However, this particular witch seems to have been a kind one, judging by the affection shown to her. She appears to be holding back tears, which gives it an endearing and adorable appearance.

As I spoke to her gently, I asked, "Can you please tell me about her?" She looked at me and shook her head in denial. "I can't because there's a seal on the pact. But you should know that you'll be engaged in many battles, and I'm here to help you with your magic." Confused, I replied, "What magic? I don't have magic." "But you are a witch born. You have magic," it said. "I can't stay long. Come to the black forest. Find me and break my seal. Humankind is in danger again." It was vanishing. "Please wait, there's more I don't understand." I tried to hold its little hand, but it was too late.

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