Chapter : 61

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In a beautiful garden, adorned with an array of flowers and picturesque landscapes, a tea session was hosted by the royal princess in the "Beloved Bloom" garden

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In a beautiful garden, adorned with an array of flowers and picturesque landscapes, a tea session was hosted by the royal princess in the "Beloved Bloom" garden. This garden was gifted to her by his Majesty, her father, on her 10th birthday. As an expression of his love for his daughter, the king named the garden after her.

Young ladies from noble families, including Arya, were invited to the party. The royal tea parties were truly eye-catching, especially the tea service. The highly valued Proclaim tea set with its floral design was particularly striking. Most of the ladies flattered the princess, trying to stay on her good side. "Your Highness looks stunning today." "Oh, Your Highness is always beautiful." "Yes, her graceful manners are truly exceptional." "You even outshine the flowers." The ladies continued to lavish compliments on her, while Arya grew exhausted from the chatter. 'If this continues, she'll be buried in butter,' Arya thought, imagining the princess covered in butter while being buried, the image almost making her choke as she sipped her tea.

As Arya's gaze lifted from the delicate porcelain tea cup, she found herself unexpectedly locking eyes with the princess. Making Arya flinch involuntarily, as she internally lamented her choice of seat, wishing she had opted for one further away. Although the ladies were just faltering her, they were not entirely wrong, Arya couldn't help but acknowledge the undeniable beauty of the princess.

Her features were exquisite, each delicate line and curve seemingly crafted with meticulous care. Pale yellow eyes, like pools of liquid sunlight, blinked languidly, their gaze unwavering as they bore into Arya's own. The princess's golden hair cascaded around her shoulders in waves of spun silk, catching the light in a mesmerizing dance of glimmering strands. Her fair complexion, flawlessly smooth and porcelain-like, lent her an ethereal quality, as though she had stepped straight out of a fairy tale.

Yet, as she stole a cautious glance out of the corner of her eye, she couldn't help but wonder why she was met with such a penetrating glare.

After the festival night, Arya found herself debating on how to obtain the fragment from the statue when an unexpected opportunity knocked on her door: an invitation to the royal palace for the princess's tea party. She was relieved she could enter the palace without any trouble, yet she pondered how to retrieve the piece with the princess's watchful gaze fixed on her like a hawk.

Furthermore, even if she managed to slip away from the party, she still faced the obstacle of crossing the pond. The Moonlight Plaza, where the fragment was located, lay just across the pond from the garden. 'Things could never be easy for me, huh?' she thought, exhaling audibly and inadvertently catching the attention of others.

"Is the party not to your satisfaction, Duchess?" Princess Roseanne asked. "It is very lovely, Your Highness!" Arya replied with a fake smile. 'Oh no, her mood has darkened.' "Tell me, Duchess, is the wind blowing on the Northside as rough as they say? You are but a Westerner by birth, how are you adjusting to their environment?" With a polite smile, she inquired. 'Is she picking a fight now?' Arya thought, maintaining her expression. "The wind is indeed rough, as is characteristic of the North. However, the beauty it holds is exquisite, especially the glow of sunlight on blankets of snow; that's priceless. The people there are very welcoming and warm-hearted. Of course, I am delighted to be a part of the North." 'Well it not like she is lying, all the words are nothing but truth.'

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