Chapter : 32

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Tap… tap…  Von was happily circling in the air, excitement clear in her laughter. She did not rest even for a moment; she danced in the air as she twirled. I sat beside my desk, resting my chin on my hand as my other hand made a tapping sound on the table. 'she seemed to relish her freedom. She looks happy.'

From the moment I entered my chamber, she was like that. Ahem… I faked a cough to get her attention, but it was futile. "Von," I called out her name, but it was vain. A deep sigh left my mouth, 'I guess I should let her enjoy the moment. We can talk later.'

Opening the left dower of my table, I bring out some papers. It contains the previous plan I made for my survival. I suppose I do not need these any longer. Getting up from my seat, I went near the fireplace. I rested on my chair; I threw those papers into the fire. That made the fire fum ferociously.

'what to do now? The original has been altered; true, there's much to do. But the question here is to start from where?' looking up at the ceiling, ' if this is in the fourth volume, then the fourth and fifth can be used of mine. But knowing Ivan's personality, he will become suspicious of me.'

'Should I stop with the topaz stone? Then what's going to happen to Misham? His role will be incoherent. What happens to a character when they are no longer needed?'

Frustrated, nothing comes to mind. 'will the original abandon them? Will they exist even after that?' my eyes gaze at the burning fire, ' I bought him here; I should be responsible for him. But what am I supposed to do with so much on my plate?' this is so unbearable.

As I rang the bell, a knock was heard on the door. In a weary voice, I said, "Come in." Miya came in, "You call, my lady?"
Looking at her, tiredness laced in my voice, "Miya, I'm tired. Prepare The bath, and bring something for me to eat. I won't be having dinner tonight," I went back, gazing at the fire.

I was feeling drowsy; as I closed my eyes, Miya came to wake me up for the bath. "You really are fast with your hands, just like the assassin you are," a tried smile made its way onto my face. She was startled to hear that, "what are you talking about, my lady?" Afraid of getting caught, she asked in a shaky tone. "I wonder what I'm talking about?" I replied with another question. It was like I was in a drunken state.

She helped me get undressed; waving my hand, I gestured for her to leave. 'Ahhh… it is a bliss to be rich.' My body inchmeal was becoming heavy. I was so exhausted that sleep made its way into my eyes.


I can't believe it; for a moment, I thought that she might have really changed. How foolish of me to expect someone like her to change. She is a Basilisk to her core.

As he was criticizing her, I thought came to his mind, 'But who was that woman? Her words were enough to make such an incite fire. If someone like her stands beside me, victory will surely be in the hands of humanity. But how do I find her? I don't even know how she looks. This is a challenging puzzle.'

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