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                     It was the weekend and I had to start college on Monday. I was excited yet nervous about the college. It doesn't mean that I dislike the subject or the college. I chose to study architecture because i love designing but my nervousness was more about new places and new people.

                   I opted to go by college bus against my family's suggestion. Mainly because I did not want to be coddled anymore. Plus, I could have fun travelling with Sakthivel, Ramya and her friends, Also making new friends will do good for my loneliness.

                 My Saturday went unproductively, with me wasting the day doing nothing and sleeping until my parents came home in the evening. After getting up from my slumber i took the much-needed bath.

                   I went to the dining area, where my mom and dad were speaking in a conference call with my elder brother Siva who was on a business trip to the UK, staying with my sister, who was pursuing her higher studies. My brother would return to chennai by next month, and my sister would be back this year.

                    I was an unexpected, late child, as my mother often used to say, which resulted in a larger age gap between me and my siblings. My brother, Siva, was 9 years older than me and my sister, Shri, was 6 years older than me. My brother loves me dearly but I am not sure about my sister since she always treated me with indifference.

                  However, we do not share a friendly rapport amongst ourselves. I was babied by my family perpetually, Ramya who was my cousin through my paternal uncle also joined the club eventually. Sakthivel whom we all call Sakthi was the son of my father's best friend, one of my best friends was the only person who treated me like his equal.

                     When my sister, Shri, started school, my mother made the decision to join my father in business. When I came into the picture, she chose not to take a break from her career, and thus, I became a shared responsibility within the family.

                   The absence of my parents left me feeling lonely, so naturally, I spent most of my time with my maternal uncle, Raghu, whom I affectionately call "Dada," and my grandfather. They never left me alone; they showered me with attention. As a result, I grew more attached to them than to my parents. It's not that I don't love or appreciate my parents; it's just that my love for Dada and Thatha was stronger.

                      I never had to lift my finger for anything. Someone always took care of my every need without much asking on my part. Naturally, this made me an ambivert. I could speak a mile per minute but only within my close circle, but I feel awkward speaking with new people. this sometimes made me come off as an arrogant person but believe me, I am not.

                      I joined them on the call and spoke with my siblings until it was dinner time. I went to my room after watching TV for a while, when I felt bored, I dialled ramya and my namesake, although his full name is Sakthivel. Sakthi was the first one to pick up the call

Sakthi:sollu thalivi enna panra ?

Me : onnum ila da ,thukam varala adha ellam enna panringa nu summa ph panen

He raised his eyebrows questioningly

Sakthi : unaku vela ilata elathukum ila nu arthama ?

Me : apdi enna vela ne panra ?sarakku adikaporia ila adichitrukia ?

Sakthi :rombha asingapaduthura. Unaku thukam varalana elaroda thukathaum keduthudradhu ila ?

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