Chapter - 60

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After the client meeting ended on a positive note, I was waiting for my taxi to take me to the Hyderabad airport. At that moment, my phone began to vibrate, alerting me to a message from my sister.

Upon opening it, I realised it was a news clip. Intrigued, I played the video clip, only to be stunned and stand frozen in the hotel lobby until the taxi driver called my phone. I took the cab and asked the driver to change the drop-off location to the hospital where Sakthi had been treated.

On my way, I rescheduled my flight to Chennai and called my sister to inform her and ask if she had any more information on Sakthi.

With an unknown terror gripping me, I became parched and drank the water the driver offered when I requested it. I asked my sister the moment she answered the phone, "Do you know how she is?"

"No, I watched the video only on the YouTube news channel. But I am still in touch with her cousin, Ramya, and I could ask if you want."

Her response was frustrating, and I yelled, "What do you mean if I wanted to? Of course, I wanted any minuscule information you could get from her."

She hesitated before continuing, "Illa, I thought you were no longer interested in her; Adhan, I doubted you wanted any more information about her."

I became enraged and snapped, "Because of your lies, you were a major catalyst for that dreadful day and I made the wrong decision to do nothing to help her at the police station and ill treated her when she came to meet me. She was my first love, whom I let slip through my fingers as a result of my stupidity. I still deeply regret doing that. In ten minutes, I need all of the details; otherwise, forget about your vacation and ask your junkie husband to take you."

I abruptly ended the call and rested my head against the seat headrest. I arrived at the hospital shortly because it was close to my meeting place and the traffic was less.

I hurried to the emergency unit and witnessed the medical staff wheeling Abhijith in. I noticed the bullet holes on his shirt, and because it was soaked in blood, I could not tell if he was still bleeding or had any other wounds.

Hope bloomed for the first time after meeting her in Milan. But I also felt ashamed for expecting that if Abijith's wounds were fatal, I would be given another chance.

I peeked into the emergency room, wishing to catch a glimpse of her. I could not get a clear view, but I could only see her face through the small gap between the doctors and nurses.

She looked like a dried flower, a stark contrast to the last time I saw her. Her condition appeared to be serious based on how the doctors and nurses crowded around her.

When I found out she was still single a few months ago, I went to Milan to beg her for a second chance. I bought her chocolates and a flower bouquet and arrived at her house, ready to take her on a date if she gave me another chance.

But I never expected a man to stay with her, so seeing Abhijith with her and her comfort in his presence at her flat felt like someone splashed cold water on me. But I convinced myself that he could be her friend.

Even though I sensed tension between them as a result of my arrival, I dismissed it and remained hopeful when she decided to come out with me, despite his opposition and reluctance to allow her to accompany me. Even at this dreary moment, I could recall everything vividly.

After leaving her house, we walked about 100 metres to a coffee shop. After I inquired about the cast on her leg, she explained how she was injured on her ski trip as we walked. We took a seat in the cafe, near the glass wall.

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