Chapter LVII

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Finally reaching the study hall, Ling Zhirou turned to him with a bright smile.

" So... when are we going to start the project." He barely returned her smile.

" Aishh! Why so serious? You can't even chat with me for a few minutes Little Cloud." Ling Zhirou feigned sadness and pouted .

" Stop being annoying. And stop calling me that." He sighed light heartedly nudging her hand away.

" Why huh? You used to like it when I called you that. You'd blush then give me that cute smile. Ah, you were so cute. Unlike now." She scrunched her nose disdainfully walking away to sit on a chair.

" Ha! Do you think I want to be cute? It's great I'm not cute or else how would my girlfriend want me." He breathed out a laugh at an old memory of asking a young Linxue how her ideal boyfriend should look like.

Let's just say, her list was quite long.

Sitting down, he patted her shoulder and turned her towards him when she frowned at him.
" Are you okay?"

Biting her lip with a reluctant expression, she answered,
" I'm fine, it's just-- " After a pause she turned to him." Are you dating my sister for revenge?" She put it out bluntly her eyes searching his.

"Why would you ask me that?" Xi Jinwei narrowed his eyes at her in confusion.

Scoffing , she clenched her fists ,"A lot of people know she used to bully you. Made your life miserable. Always scorned you because of your birth. Like me. Why else would you be with  her if not for revenge? You can't actually like her Little Cloud."

Ling Zhirou could not accept it. Why was he so devoted to her sister? Why wasn't everything falling into place like in the novel.

"That was a long time ago. She...saved my life Zhirou. When I was almost killed, Xue'er...she risked her life for mine. Can I hate her after this even after all she did?" Xi Jinwei smiled happily at her recollecting those memories from years ago. His heart felt tight for a moment before it loosened up . He could never forget it. He would never forget it ever.

" I guess not." Ling Zhirou gritted her teeth in hatred not wanting to question him further though her expression fell.

' I'm sorry Little Cloud, if it was anything else, I would let you have it so you can be happy. Just not her. Don't blame me for being ruthless when the time comes!'

" But I hope her intentions are true and you won't get hurt Little Cloud if she decides to change once again."

Xi Jinwei's heart tightened once more after hearing her words but didn't know what to make of it.

" Alright then, I guess I'll be taking my boyfriend for now since you are all done." Wang Linxue came over to their table following them after them when they left.

She gripped his hand to pull him away from the chair.
She felt so insecure today because all the things she was facing and Ling Zhirou was her raging nightmare for days. She didn't want her to have any opportunity.

" Xue'er!" His eyes lit up at her arrival. " Can you give us a few minutes please? I'll be back with you when we're done okay?"He grinned at her.

" Jinwei , you--" Wang Linxue had a funny expression on her face looking at him.
' Why was he grinning like that?'

Ling Zhirou couldn't help but roll her eyes at her.

" Where are the  group members going to meet after?" He continued while Wang Linxue moved aside a few yards away out of earshot from them.

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