Chapter 17 - Red Ringed Rabbit-2

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Instructor Sarp, who was sitting in his chair, was laughing thinking about the moments when Durualp and Eiderd were floating in the sky, "These kids are quite stupid, what is it like to fly by turning like a propeller, Hahahha?"... The door of the room opened sharply and teacher Ayla, fuming with anger, entered. As approached instructor Sarp, she was saying,

- Isn't that a bit heavy? I don't think it would be right for you to give such a task even though you know that your perceptions are at a beginner level. Children's capacities...

Instructor Sarp, who stopped teacher Ayla's speech by raising his hand, calmly stood up from his seat and warned her gently,

- First of all, welcome. Secondly, I understand what you mean, but you are wrong about one thing. You were the one who wanted the children's perception to develop and to be a little more attuned to nature. Now you want to interfere with my work while I'm trying to do this?

- You can treat them more gently...

- ? (Instructor Sarp, slowly approaching teacher Ayla, said) You should know that these children are in this situation because they have protective parents who think exactly like you. They were raised in a safe place with the constant love of their families.

- If you, like their families, run to help the children every time they say "ah", you will be doing harm to them instead of doing them good. And in the end they will always expect you to help. They will never try to overcome their own problems.

- If you don't change your this protective attitude, children's instincts will never develop... You know that, right?

- ??.

Teacher Ayla, who could not say anything, thought for a while... After a long time, she had students. She wanted her students to become stronger in a calmer and more orderly manner. She never expected that her first missions would be this shocking. But she also knew that Instructor Sarp was telling the truth. It wasn't a protection that children needed. He raised his head and looked at Instructor Sarp angrily, then turned around silently and left the room.


Kunt was surprised to see Demir coming to house. He thought, "Why did this boy come so early? Did something happen at school?" but he didn't dare to ask. He came to Demir and when they entered the house together, they met nurse Oya.

- Hello sister, can you examine me? The redness and bruises on my body are gone, but my pain is not gone yet.

- ??... (Nurse Oya, first surprised and then alarmed) Okay. Let's go to the medical room right away and let me check you. But you have to tell me what's going on so I can examine you properly.

Nurse Oya had converted one of the rooms of the house into a health room in order to be able to intervene immediately in case of any injury. As the three of them went towards the room together, Demir started to tell what he had experienced and continued to tell until his examination was over. Nurse Oya, after checking every part of Demir,

- You don't have any fractures or dislocations. I will give you a pill for your pain.

When Demir thanked him and drank his medicine, Kunt couldn't help himself.

- Since your mission is to catch a red-ringed rabbit, I will give you some advice. You should immediately close the eyes of the rabbit you caught. Because rabbits whose eyes are closed first calm down and after a while they become motionless as if they are asleep. It doesn't matter whether your rabbit is small or grown, just close your rabbit's eyes...

- (Nurse Oya intervened with bright eyes) Yes, yes, if you close the rabbit's eyes, they will return to their cute little fluffy state. Then you can love him the way you want... (Nurse Oya, pausing for a moment, continued) In other words, you can take him wherever you want.

IRON HAN, Book 1: The Rise Of PowerWhere stories live. Discover now