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Chapter 61 Never miss this opportunity (1/1)

" I Open a Bathing Center in the End of the World " by April Cherry Ji

Please indicate the source when reprinting "I Open a Bathing Center in the End of the World": Bus Reading (www.84kanshu.com)

"I just want to cooperate with you!"

Chu Chu said calmly, "And I can really provide you with a safe place and enough food. You can think about it carefully!"

"Cooperation? We don't need to cooperate!" What Bai Daco hates most is cooperating with others. If they had not cooperated with others, the pharmaceutical factory would not be what it is today.

Not only was Chu Chu not angry, but she left gracefully and gracefully, but she would come again!

"Teacher, what should we do now?" The student wolfed down the food. He had no idea. He did whatever the teacher said and he absolutely obeyed the order.

The man in the white coat was also eating. Although the food was delicious, it was tasteless to him. He had been guarding the pharmaceutical factory and knew that he could not keep guarding it forever. It was time to hand over this heavy responsibility.

As long as a few of them are reliable, he can leave the affairs here to them and live a carefree life.

"As I look at it step by step, I think they are quite reliable. They are able to deliver food to us every day. Finally, we no longer have to drink mineral water to make instant noodles."

The white coats also started eating. They have been eating here for several years and are almost out of instant noodles. Recently, they can only eat one bowl a day, and they can only go hungry at other times. Now they have three meals in the morning, noon and evening. , it is estimated that they will definitely be conquered by Chu Chu and others!

White coats and students cannot leave this building, and all zombies dare not come near here. As soon as they come close, they will run wild, so the people here are safe.

After careful consideration, Bai Daco made up his mind to cooperate with Chu Chu and the others.

Chu Chu was so happy after hearing the news, "Since we cooperate, we share resources? You have to live in my place, but you also need to pay for the corresponding items. Do you think it's okay?"

The cooperative relationship is not an employment relationship. It is impossible for Chuchu to pay him a salary. Everything needs to be paid for by themselves, but she will give them some discounts appropriately.

Of course, if there is a result, both parties should share it equally and not monopolize it.

"Okay, but I don't have anything valuable. I wonder what I need to pay?"

The white coat is a man of his word. Once he has made a decision, he will not change it.

"How about the raw materials in this pharmaceutical factory?" Chu Chu came here just for the raw materials. Now that she has a legitimate reason to collect raw materials, why not do it!

The man in the white coat looked at the tall building and sighed, "Okay, but I don't know what else is here or how much there is. If you like it, I'll give it to you!"

Chu Chu applied for point cards for the two of them. There are naturally a lot of raw materials in such a large pharmaceutical factory. The points in their cards are enough for them to spend a period of time.

"System, they have to come to the pharmaceutical company for research every day. Is there any way to protect them from zombie attacks?"

After returning to the dormitory, Chu Chu decided that she had the responsibility and obligation to protect the white coats and students. People with ability like them were scarce and nothing could happen to them.

[It is better for the host to find someone to plant trees. As long as the door of the bathing center is connected with the door of the pharmaceutical company, then the pharmaceutical company will become a safe area. 】

[The trees produced by the system are all high-quality and can withstand everything, including natural disasters and zombie viruses...]

"The end of the universe is actually afforestation." Chu Chu couldn't help but sigh, but now there are simply not enough manpower here, and those uncles don't look like people who can do the work.

In the No. 1 bath center, Xiao Yao has integrated well into the collective. She takes care of Wannianzhai every day, just like taking care of her beloved, making it hard for people to find fault.

Chu Chu felt that planting trees in the No. 2 store was a little difficult, but it should not be a problem in the No. 1 store. She immediately returned to the No. 1 store and began to publicly call for tree planting personnel.

Tree planting staff received commissions every day, and everyone signed up to participate. Chuchu needed to connect the three bases with the bathing center, so a total of three teams were selected and drawings were planned.

Since it is a passage, there is no need for trees everywhere, and neatness and convenience must also be considered. Fortunately, there are some experts in this field among the residents, so the plan is not difficult to implement!

[Publish a task to connect Guangming Base, Base No. 1, and Base No. 2 to the bathing center respectively, so that people from each base can go to the bathing center to experience the services. Two lottery opportunities will be awarded. Please cheer up, host! 】

As soon as Chu Chu sent the task, the system issued the task. This time she was at the forefront of the system. She was very happy!

[The host does not need to be too happy. The task has been prepared for a long time, but it has not been triggered. You have now reached the triggering conditions, so the system released the task! 】

The system means that it is afraid that Chuchu will misunderstand and think that she can control the system.

The system is sacrosanct and no one can control it!

Chu Chu doesn't care what the system thinks at all. She just wants to implement her big plan now, which is to connect the three bases to the bathing center so that she can have more guests and earn more points.

The people chosen to plant trees are basically all residents of the bathing center. They used to live in these three bases. Now that they have a route to the base, they work harder!

After Chuchu arranged everything, she handed over the matter to Grandma Xiaobao and Mao Mao, asking them to watch the bathing center and report to her in time if anything was wrong.

"Boss Chu Chu, don't worry!" Grandma Xiaobao vowed, "If there is anything that cannot be resolved, I will definitely inform you as soon as possible!"

Kitty also nodded, but he did not speak in front of others, otherwise he thought he might be arrested for research.

Chu Chu left the first bath center directly with a hundred thousand peace of mind. Her main task now is to build the second bath center.

In the second part, several people who lived in the bathing center had no intention of researching any medicines, but began to have fun, especially the students!

The student is only in his twenties this year. It is the time when he is more playful. He was trapped in a small room before and couldn't get out. Now he finally got out. He definitely wants to enjoy life!

Camouflage uniforms and white coats meet each other late. The purpose of their coming this time is to solve the problems of the pharmaceutical company. They have not seen white coats before, but if they see them today, they will never miss this opportunity!

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✓ I will open a bathing center in the last days
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