Chapter 3 //"It's official, I'm sitting next to a suicidal maniac"

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Chapter 3 //"It's official, I'm sitting next to a suicidal maniac"

I gasp and close my curtains, within seconds the house is ringing with the sounds of the doorbell being tormented.

Daniel shouts at me to go answer the front door but I throw him a mouthful of colourful vocabulary, making him shut his mouth as he drags himself along the floor towards the front door.

I grab my straighteners and section off my frizzy auburn hair,  blasting the straightens to full heat and begin running the straighter through my wild hair while scolding my fingertips.

I curse and swear as the heat from my hair touches my sensitive fingertips.

Only a few people in my life have seen my frizzy hair. Daniel for obvious reasons and also Emily, other than that not many people have ever seen my crazy ringlets and I want to keep it that way.

I especially want to hide my horrifying curls from Elliott Grayson.

He would tease me about it until the day I'm lying in my grave, actually he'll probably still annoy me about it then.

I jump as someone knocks on my door. While holding my straighteners in one hand, I'm also running around my room throwing on my school uniform until I realize I have left my uniform in a soaking wet heap at the back of Emily's car. I mentally facepalm myself. Oh no and the rest are all in the washing.

I cringe as I look at the shirt Elliott handed me yesterday and put it on.

"Crescent open this door, I don't give a fuck about class but you're gonna be late and we all know what kind of mood you get in when you're late! And if you think Emily's coming to pick you up I told her not to."

Can I now officially call him a stalker?

He is standing outside my door at 7:30 am in the morning!

That is probably because we lived on the 'rich' side of town which means it is around a 45-minute drive to school.

God, I can barely look at Elliott's face let alone sit in a car with him. Who knows how many old ladies's he'll run over?

"Shut up or else..."

"Or else you'll cut my balls off and feed them to your kitten. I've heard it too many times Dawson"

There is silence for a moment.

"I'm going to come in"

"Elliott Grayson......" I shout the first thing that pops into my head "I'm naked and I will brutally murder you if you even touch the doorknob. Ah! " I scream as I let the straighteners hit the bottom of my palm. And just when I was on the last strand of hair.

I flap my hand in the air in excruciating pain. The door is flung open and Elliott comes running in

"Shit, Shit, Holy mother fudging shit!" I bonce up and down caressing my burning hand.

Elliott grabs my wrist and guides me towards the bathroom sink. He places my hand under the cold water as I swear like a sailor.

He rubs the burn on my hand as the cool water hits it. He stares at the scolding red mark forming and frowns deeply as he keeps running his hand over mine, the other hand is clutching on to my wrist, keeping me tightly pressed against him. I glance away from him, trying to get my heart rate down.

I finally calm down and look up at Elliott to see he's staring right back at me, his eyes as bright as the morning sky.

"I can't believe you came in my room. I said I was naked!" I huff trying not to show him that I am thankful for his help.

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