One million reads

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One million reads. It's just a number but I'm so shocked. 15 year old me would be shook right now. When I started the book one million reads was all I wanted, and I've finally made it.

How and why have so many people read this book. When I was little I wanted to be a writer, at nearly 20 I've ended up in a whole other career path. I don't read the way I once did, book after book.

But I can't just say thank you... So here's the first chapter from Elliott's pov.

Chapter 1 (Elliott pov) //"Dawson"

"He cannot just come back and expect to be allowed to rejoin in the middle of the year" My math teacher argues.

My principle rubs a hand over his face. "He took the test and got a 94 there's no way we can stop him from continuing the course"

I slouch in my chair, my arms crossed looking bored. Obviously they'll let me back, I put the school's math average up.

"NO" He slams his hands on the desk. "I refuse to teach this delinquent boy"

"Steven, you're being irrational" My headmaster tells my Math Teacher.

"Yeah Stevie" I snigger.

"ELLIOTT!" They both shout.

I put my arms up in surrender.

"Steven this is my decision, and anyway if we took it to the board he'd be allowed back, his mother's on the board"

Steven... I mean Mr Graham lets out a disgusted grunt and leave the room.

"Now Mr. Grayson..."

Before my Headmaster can continue I lift my bag off the floor "I know no pranks, no disruptions and no sex on school grounds" And I race out the classroom.

"That includes the car park" He shouts through the door.

I've been back a week now and most of my teacher's welcomed me back fine but that Math teacher is a right prick. I was only gone like 6 months.

A close friend of my dad's had been murdered and dad needed all the support he could get. Both Jack and I came together to help, dad needed someone he could trust.

It was only recently that I found out my cousin ordered the kill. By removing an important person my cousin thought he'd get a chance to become the person my dad confides all his secrets in.

I open the doors to the cafeteria, there are so many people but my gaze latches on to her.

She's not looking at me she's looking at someone else, her eyebrows frowning. She never looks at me not since I've come back.

You'd think previously making her life a living hell would make me unforgettable. Guess I was never important to her.

She's changed. When I left she was so small, yet now she's, well she's gorgeous. She's Crescent Dawson the twin of my best friend Daniel Dawson.

I've always had a thing for her since we were young. But she is the twin of my best friend, so when we were kids I thought by constantly annoying her, it would mean Dan thinks I hate her and I get to spend more time with her.

That didn't really go to plan and she ended up hating me, well I think she did, I'll never really understand chicks.

I might just go ahead and marry Daniel, there would be a lot less fuss.

I turn my head to see Snowball and A-pain-in-my-ass-abella fighting on the floor.

I raise an eyebrow, well that backs up my earlier thought.

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