Chapter 63// "I think you need testing on, in a mental hospital"

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Chapter 63// "I think you need testing on, in a mental hospital"

"You know who it is don't you? Daniel asks Ryan forcefully.

"How could I not know, the resemblance is uncanny" Ryan laughs.

"Ryan stop joking around this isn't a game"

"You know you two are really slow, she's known for ages" Ryan casually states as he runs his finger along the teacher's desk.

She. It was a girl.

I had a half-sister. Daniel had a half-sister.

"It's a girl" Daniel states.

"That's what your future wife will maybe tell you one day. But knowing Aaron he won't let you live that long"

"Stop playing riddles with us Ryan" I speak up.

"Ryan keep going, I love watching them squirm" Aribella laughs as she sits on top of the teacher's desk while swinging her legs.

"Aribella close your legs you look even more like a slut that usual" Daniel rolls his eyes at her.

Damn Daniel.

Aribella automatically closes her legs, looking somewhat embarrassed, well that's weird. Everyone calls her a slut, even she knows it. What difference did it make if Daniel just called her that?

"Is that any way to speak to a lady?" Ryan asks raising an eyebrow.

"Let's call her that when she acts like one. She's slept with most of the football team. You know what Aribella I have a few thing to get off my chest about you and seeing as Ryan locked us in here I may as well say them" Daniel tells her

Daniel was just angry with her because she had led us on into this classroom, but I loved Daniel putting her in her place. I think I was going to enjoy this.

"You keep saying that Elliott slept with you. Slept. That's past tense showing that you will never get a guy. Look Cress got the guy you wanted and your drowning in your jealousy. I even fake dated you for you to get to Elliott and that didn't even work"

"All these years I never stood up for Cress as I was holding on to my popularity, but I'll make up for it now. Aribella your someone who will forever be alone, not because you look ugly but because you have the ugliest personality"

"I've realized that your worthless Aribella and family comes first. My sister comes before you and my popularity. Say what you want to Cress but everyone knows that Elliott loves her more than anything else in the world and that's the sort of love money can never buy"

I swear at this moment I could hug Daniel; can I please have an applause for him?

But what surprised me was Aribella's reaction.

The thing was I didn't expect her to react at all, I expected her to brush of Daniel's words as if they meant nothing to her.

But she looked stunned by him and almost hurt by him.

She nods her head and draws her lips into a line.

"Of course you'd stand up for your sister right?" she states.

"Because your sibling's always come first, no matter the situation, isn't that right Cress, you'd stand up for Daniel wouldn't you?"

"What are you getting at Aribella?" I sigh no longer understand what she was going on about.

"You two are idiotic" Ryan laughs as he picks up a book to examine it. Why did God create such a bad excuse for a human being?

"Shut it Ryan" Aribella scorns him and he actually listens.

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