Chapter 19 // "PDA, PDA, PDA"

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Chapter 19 // "PDA, PDA, PDA"

"Get off your lazy asses. We're not here to sip tea and sing around the campfire; this is a chance for you to live a few days away from your stupid banana phones"

"Coach, sir it's apple phones"

"Daniel!" Coach practically screams.

"Yes sir"

"Why don't you lead the way if you're so smart"

"Yes sir" Daniel repeats walking off in to the direction of a bunch of trees. A few people follow him, but other's are smarter.

"DANIEL!" Our coach booms again.

I think it's because Daniel got a fright but either way it's funny that my brother walks in to a low branch then he falls back in to a bunch of dead leaves.

"Now the rest of you losers follow me" Coach points in the opposite direction to where Daniel was walking.

Emily and I walk over to where Elliott is helping my brother up. I pick a few crunched up leaves out of his hair. 

We follow the rest of the people from our class as we trudge up the steep hill.

"My shorts are going halfway up my arse" I complain.

"Take them off" 

Daniel hits Elliott on the back of the head for that comment.

"Nice try Elliott"

I still can't forget what happened a few nights back, how Elliott saved me from that random guy, then the next day he acted oblivious to the fact that anything had happened at all.

And Daniel, well he eventually got over it. He gave me a good lecture but then went back to being my annoying brother. Though neither of them mentioned how exactly they knew the boy with the striking green eyes.

The heat around me is really getting to my head, as my skull feels like it's pounding from all this walking.

"Did you hear that Cress?" Emily asks holding her ear like she's listening out for something.

"What, the sound of the birds or the sound of Cress's loud breathing" Elliott jokes grabbing a bunch of leaves, scrunching them up in his hand and blowing the tiny pieces at me.

"Like water" Alec replies for Emily.

A sudden mutter runs through the crowd, there's a waterfall up ahead.

Before I can say anything Elliott has already chucked his huge bag at me and is running like a lunatic with Daniel catching up to him, I glance over and see Aidan is now holding Daniel's bag with a scowl on his face.

I drop the heavy bag in to Alec's arms.

"Grayson, Dawson get back here!" Coach booms.

I hear a faint whoop and a slash of water.  Eventually Alec, Emily and I come up to the waterfall. 

In a matter of seconds everyone is splashing in the water.

Some people are smart enough to be wearing their swimsuits underneath their clothes and others are jumping in fully clothed.

I stand on the edge of the the deck and remove my top to reveal my bikini top. A wolf whistle comes from behind me and I put my middle finger up in their direction.

Beside me Alec lets out a sigh of relief as he drops the bags, he tugs off his t-shirt and I take it as an opportunity to lightly bump him with my hip.

He unattractively falls into the deep water with his shirt hanging off his head. I'm standing there laughing at him, when I get the feeling that someone is behind me. 

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