Chapter 20// "Come on Cress, it was a dare, a joke"

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Chapter 20// "Come on Cress, it was a dare, a joke"

I stare at the orange sunset, my hands are in between my legs and I shuffle around fixing my white bikini top, stopping my boobs from falling out. It's not like you can even see much of it, as I'm wearing a playsuit on top.

It's so uncomfortable sitting on these logs; I fix the bottom of my playsuit  so it is somewhat covering my ass, the top of my white playsuit sits off my shoulders, with long white sleeves with delicate lace frills at the ends.

I flip my hair behind me, I can see some unusually light wisps of brown hair in my usually dark locks, probably due to sitting in the sun for so long.

The light crackles off the fire Alec created which is keeping the campsite warm as the night has started turning cold. The orange and yellow flames are swivelling around and letting off smoke in to the midnight sky.

Someone decided to bring a small bunch of speaker and his phone is currently plugged in letting the music flow through the forest.

Around me everyone is chatting, some are dancing, and others are drinking their lives away.

Elliott, he is practically drowning himself in alcohol as well as Daniel. I don't think they'll enjoy the long hike we have tomorrow.

As for coach well he is at least half a mile away in a warm lodge for the teachers. Lucky bastard. Probably eating decent food and getting a bed to sleep in while we all have to camp out in tents. What a responsible teacher. Not.

I keep running my fingertips along the edge of the glass bottle in my hand, which is still completely full.

I keep forcing myself to look at the fire, because my eyes are darting towards a certain someone. One of his hands are leaning against a near by tree, and in the cage he is creating with his arms is a blonde.From my view his back muscles really are perfection, and if you saw his v-line, well it's enough to make you swoon.

Something feels weird inside me lately when I look at him. Is it jealousy?

I shake the thought out of my head and I try to picture when he was 8 years old and he was a scruffy mess. Anyway he is probably trying to seduce the poor girl. Probably trying to tick sleeping with a girl in a tent off his bucket list

I can't be jealous of Elliott talking to other girls, because it's like walking in to a dark never ending hole. I'll keep falling, and there will be no stopping my feelings. It's useless thinking anything of Elliott, he just enjoys playing with me, teasing me. 

And I mean when there's so many gorgeous girls in the world, what am I?

My eyes can't help but look at him as he walks back to the fire, his face is filled with frustration.

"They're gonna play truth or dare, wanna join?" Emily asks sitting next to me.

"Nah count me out" I reply

"Cress live a little, you haven't even drank anything" She says taking the bottle out my hand, shaking it and handing it back to me.

"Have one sip"

"No" I don't drink anymore," Not after the time I woke up in bed with Elliott and Carter.

"I bet you have a low tolerance for alcohol" She narrows her eyes at me.

She must be joking; before the whole thing went down with Winter and Aribella I drank so much it was a matter of time before I needed my stomach pumped. I cringe as I think back to all the times I acted like a complete idiot, not caring how high my dress went or what rubbish came out my mouth. Not my best days.

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