BONUS CHAPTER// Elliott's POV- Part 2

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BONUS CHAPTER// Elliott's POV- Part 2// "For now Dawson, this is goodbye".

*Get the tissues and sad music ready (seriously!!)*

I sit there looking blankly at the TV; I didn't know what to do with myself anymore. I hated myself. I'd never felt like this before, I thought the pain would just subside in a few days, but no matter what I did there was still a longing ache in my heart.

I brought this upon myself because people make mistakes and that's okay but I was known for being a bad person. And I'd made so many mistakes that that this time I didn't deserve to be forgiven.

I skipped the last few days of school and from what I hear she has too.


I heard she was a mess. Not sleeping not eating. And I hated myself that it was my fault.

It was hard having something you cared about so dearly about, snatched away from you so quickly.

But the thing is that I knew I was Elliott Grayson, I could get any girl, I could get Crescent to forgive me in a heartbeat if I really tried.

What I was really conflicted about was the amount of danger I would put Cress in if she was my girl.

On one hand there was Aaron who was threatening the girl I loved the most. I could easily handle him on my own; not caring if I got hurt. But if Crescent was in any sort of danger because of me I don't think I could live any longer.

Then there was me. I was so deeply in love with that brunette that it physically hurt to be around her, if you get me.

I thought about just cutting her out my life, pretend that I didn't love her any longer, and protect her behind the scenes. But I didn't think I could walk past her everyday and have her laughing with another guy.

I wouldn't be able to brush the small curls that usually frame her face, out of the way. She'd never smile at me the way she does.

It's really amazing having someone, that when they look at you their eyes light up and they smile a whole lot bigger. There focus is just on you.

I hear my front door slam shut but I can't even be bothered to look up at who it was. Unless it was Cress. But that was highly unlikely.

The person comes and sits in the single couch that was in diagonal to me. I finally look up trying to keep myself together.

I think I would have been less shocked if it was Crescent sitting in front of me.

He sat there looking at me with his chin in his hand his brown eyes fixed on me.

Ii didn't expect him to even glance at me again let alone be sitting in my house.


"No Elliott let me talk first "

I shut my mouth, Daniel's voice sounded tired. He gets up and takes a step closer to me.

"I didn't think I could forgive you for doing that to her. I knew it be a disaster you and her. Elliott, 14 years that's how long we've been friends, and never once have I seen you show affection to anything. You showed the world you were tough, you showed everyone that you couldn't love"

I look at him with hard eyes; I was already in such a bad state I didn't need my best friend making me feel any worse. I couldn't love why didn't anyone understand me.

"I don't think you can show affection but I know you feel love. Every time anyone of us got ourselves injured it would be you who took care of us. That time when Carter was beat up really badly, you stood in the center of danger just to get justice. And when you wanted to leave the gang, you didn't just fight to get out it for yourself, which would have been a lot easier. You stood up for all of us, though you knew the risk. And it's been a good few months since we all left but Aaron is still making you suffer."

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