Chapter 10//"Why do you have two idiots chasing after you"

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Chapter 10//"Why do you have two idiots chasing after you"

I tighten my ponytail as I walk out of the bathroom then I gently fold my sticky cake covered dress and shove it in my handbag.

The hall manager went absolutely ballistic when he saw the state of his carefully polished hall, so our winter ball was cut short and we were forced to leave, thank god I'd brought a pair of clothes in case I wanted to evacuate the dance. I straighten out my creased t-shirt that says I love chocolate.

For some odd reason, Elliott has offered to give me a ride home, seeing as I'm pretty sure Carter had left with some blonde bimbo.

Maybe he left because I somehow managed to spend more time at the dance with Elliott than him.

"What are you wearing?" Elliott sighs "Did you get it out a garage sale?" I elbow him in the stomach. We decide to leave by the back door seeing as we should have left over 20 minutes ago but we couldn't find the bathroom and ended up arguing about who's fault it was that we were hopelessly lost.

We push the emergency exit door open, the air has a chilly bite to it and I can see the tiny stars in the bleak sky.

"Grayson" We both turn around simultaneously to see who is calling Elliott's name. My chest tightens as I see 2 bulky guys walking towards us. They have tattoos covering their arms and they don't look like they are kindly asking directions to the nearest ice cream parlor.

"What do you want?" Elliott asks, his jaw clenching and I can see the muscles in his neck tighten, he runs a hand through his dark hair to stop the strands from falling in his eyes. It was obvious by Elliott's reaction that he knows these 2 men.

"We want the money" The broader looking guy smirks, there is something sickening about his devious smirk, while the other was staring at me. His stare made me want to evaporate into the road

Elliott catches the smaller guy's stare and protectively wraps his arm around my waist, as well as pushing me behind him. I feel conscious of his arm pressed against me, as a strip of my naked skin touches his arm.

"It's not my job to pay for it ask Carter or Conner it's their business. I'm not involved this time" Elliott turns around to walk away, pulling me along with him.

"Don't walk away from me rich boy, we've done the deed" The other one snarls "We want the money. Now!"

I look at the men and the look on Elliott's face, his eyes are filled with anger. Only Elliott could be associated with these guys.

"Or you could give us the pretty little lady, we saw her with Carter, taking his seconds are we now Grayson, that's not like you."

Elliott tightens his grip on me and he opens his mouth to say something, instead I get in before him"I'm no one's property, so go take yourselves back to hell" I glare between them, I take a quick peek at Elliott's face and my stomach drops to my feet as his eyes burn daggers at me.

"Okay, it's in my car" Elliott doesn't change his expression. One of the guys gives an evil smile "We knew you would co-operate"

We walk a few steps ahead of the crazy men; I look around for Elliott's car, then I turn to look stare straight ahead thinking about what is going on and why Elliott owes them money. Elliott squeezes my waist, which makes me look up at him. "Keep looking ahead" he whispers I automatically look ahead at the row of cars.

"When I say run you run okay, just follow me" If those to guys weren't behind us I would laugh, it feels like I've jumped into some thriller movie. And to be honest I don't think I can outrun those goons behind us.

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