Chapter 59// "I want an idiot who can make me laugh"

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Chapter 59// "I want an idiot who can make me laugh"

It was the semi-final of the football season, this was the last year our school team was going to compete. Then next year a new group of teens would take the place, as we would all be going off to college or university or something like that.

Everyone was so hyped for this year's football game but first, this morning was out AP calculus mock exam. I needed this to get into university and I would be lying if said this subject was easy, it was freaking impossible.

Before Elliott had arrived we were getting through the coursework at a rapid pace but when Elliott arrived, he decided to make this year the worst year of our teacher's life and to be perfectly honest I don't know why our teacher has quit his job yet.

So our mock exam was done and it felt like a weight had been lifted off my head and now I can just watch this game in peace.

"You look flipping gorgeous" Elliott states as he swings my hand backward and forward, as I walk beside him. He was in his football uniform and the game would be starting soon.

"Your such a liar Elliott" I roll my eyes at him, I was only wearing my Grayson 17 hoodie and pair of jeans. I'd run out of contact lenses so I was stuck wearing my glasses. I didn't look in any way attractive right now.

Elliott tightens his grip on my hand "Well why else would every guy here be staring at you? Not that I'm happy about that"

"Is Elliott jealous?" I smile, pressing my finger onto his cheek as I make fun of him.

'Elliott Grayson doesn't get jealous" He says confidently.

"You can lie to anyone but me, I can see right through you, but really if your not jealous in the slightest then how about I go and kiss one of them"

"Please don't tell me you're looking for some prince to come and sweep you off your feet" Elliott sighs.

That's who I always said I would marry when I was younger, I would go for nothing less than a prince.

But guess what?

I have something better than a prince.

"I don't want a prince on a white horse, I want an idiot who can make me laugh"

"Well I guess I fit that description"

It was true Elliott was the only guy who could make me laugh so much, it was at the weekend when Elliott was helping me with Calculus and I was sitting on my bed with Vincent and Elliott. I dropped my books onto the bed and let me tell you it was a lot of books.

This had made Vincent jump up in shock, but when he did, his claws came out and he scratched me on the back of my hand. Now I had been scratched many times by my ginger cat and I was used to it.

It was only a small, nip with a little amount of blood, nothing that he hasn't mistakenly done before.

But Elliott, he took it slightly differently and it ended up with Elliott chasing Vincent around the house for laying a paw on me, while I rolled on the bed laughing.

Maybe Elliott did it to have any excuse to get a hold of Vincent. My cat was very manipulative when it came to Elliott, the pair of them hated each other with a passion.

I loved them both equally, along with Elliscent, who had been watching the pair of them from my bed. What a great influence they are for her?

Now you're probably wondering what was going on between Elliott and me. No, we were not dating and no we are not, not dating. We're just in that tiny place in the middle.

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