Chapter 8// "Cress, you look like a zebra"

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Chapter 8// "Cress, you look like a zebra"

I slam my locker door shut and I let out a hopeful sigh. Another horrible day of school, over.

I turn to my right but end up coming face to face with someone else. I jump in surprise and let out a squeal. This makes a small smile crack on his golden face.

He stands there leaning against the locker next to mine. His eyes meet mine and he smiles even brighter.

"Can I walk you through the school?" Carter asks kindly.

I give him an odd look and raise one eyebrow.

"I know my way through the school pretty well, I've been here for 5 years and I'm going to the library anyway"

"Okay, I'll walk you to the library then" He shrugs.

"I bet you don't even know where it is" I laugh.

"Then lead the way"

I throw my backpack over my shoulder and walk beside him, seeing as he's being so persistent.

"So it's the winter formal on Friday" He states nonchalantly. I have no idea where this conversation is going.

"Yes, I know" I shrug. It's no big deal, I mean we have one every year.

"Crescent would you like to be my date" I look up at him in shock but he's looking straight ahead. I realise that we've stopped walking.

I stand there surprised. Words can't even form in my mouth.

"Carter I don't even know you" That is the lamest thing I have ever said. "You could be an axe murderer for all I know"

That my friends is the stupidest thing that has ever come out of my mouth. Of course, I know Carter, he has been one of my brother's best friend's since forever. We used to play together in kindergarten.

"Well, you can get to know me now. We can go as friends" He gives me a reassuring smile. Then I realise what people see in him.

He isn't acting like the usual cocky Carter that everyone knows. He's acting almost kind, I mean, all I ever usually see is his annoying cocky superior outer shell.

Hundreds of questions arise in my head. Oh darn it that smile is too cute.

"Okay," I answer. Maybe there's more to the golden boy; Carter Dickson.

"Pick you up at 7?" He stops in front of the library door.

"Okay" I repeat still acting cautiously.

"Don't give me that look, Daniel will kill me if I let anything happen to you. Anyway, I'm not Elliott, I won't hurt you"


After 2 hours of studying in the library, I feel a sense of relief to return home. I chuck my school bag in a corner in the hallway, happily skipping to my room, knowing I've done enough studying for the day. That is until I stop in my tracks.

"Elliott" I ask.

He has a surprised expression on his face as if he was caught doing something he shouldn't be doing. So probably his expression 99% of the time.

He completely ignores me and carries on walking.

"What have you done this time? Have you made a hole in the ceiling again? You'd better not have had sex in my bed again" I joke around.

"No " he answers moodily.

"Last time you said no my cat ended up in the fridge"

"That was a mistake" he snaps.

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