Epilogue// "Guess I'll always be The Quarterback's Girl then"

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Epilogue// "Guess I'll always be The Quarterback's Girl then"

How lucky was I to have everyone around me that I loved?

I'd lived a long life 67 years old, or was I older? I guess you lose count at some point in your life.

My vision had gotten really bad but I still make out the people in front of me.

I look over at my son, who I loved more than anything in the world. He stood side by side with his wife.

River Grayson.

It was scary how much he looked like Elliott, he had those eyes. Those ocean blue eyes so deep and haunting. Even after I got married, I made River keep his father name, someone had to take forward the Grayson name.

I called him River because his eyes reminded me of deep ocean water, but I want going to call him ocean was I?

Then he had my dark hair which was already only one shade lighter than Elliott's, River had also inherited Elliott's angelic feature, like his sharp jawline, high cheekbones. Yet they were still softer and less harsh looking.

I always knew my little boy would make all the girls go wild.

I brought him up to know not to play around with a girl, and guess he was more like me than Elliot.

River adored reading, he wasn't wild like Elliott. He was calmer, he thought about what he was saying before it left his mouth. Unlike Elliott who always blabbered a load of shit.

I never let him forget his dad. I told him his dad was a brilliant guy and that Elliott was. The proudest thing for me was when River became the quarterback in school.

And in school,  he met a girl in high school, who in the most complicated way he ended up with.

Then I look over at my little girl who has a 17-year gap with River.

It took me 11 years to move on from Elliott and in fact, I never actually moved on without him. I just forced myself to act more normal, only for those around me.

It took me a long time to find someone who I cared about, and even longer to have a child with them. Though she was never planned.

"Lea there's no need to cry" I shake my head at her.

"But mom whose going to be there to help me when you're not her?" She snivels. Wiping a tear away from her cold, light blue eyes. The exact opposite color of River's.

"Please Amelia Ryder, you used to tell me you never needed your mom. You said you could do everything yourself. You don't need your old mom"

My daughter wipes her eyes with her sleeve now, as her tears fall faster, she brushes her dark brown hair out her face.

"I was a stupid teenager, you know I love you mom"

Of course, I did, even after the times she used to chuck books at me, she was such a hassle of a child.

The fights we used to have were ridiculous. But that's the way it is between mother and daughters. You act lie you don't need them until you one day regret it.

"Oh Crescent, you can't really be leaving us" Carter sighs. His usually brown hair was now gray, he'd given up on dying it.

I give him a small smile. Carter was someone who I relied on, he was a friend that was always there for me.

"If you see Dan or Alec tell them life is boring without them" Aiden smiles as he bends down to give me a hug.

"Come on I think we should leave now" Carter perks up. Both of them were always there to pick me up when I was having one of my bad days.

The Quarterback's GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang