Chapter 35// "My middle finger salutes the bullshit coming out your mouth"

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Chapter 35// "My middle finger salutes the bullshit coming out your mouth"

For some reason Daniel was in a bitchier mood than usual.

"What's wrong" I finally ask Daniel as he drives me and Winter to school.

Winter and Daniel didn't get along in the slightest so Winter shouts out a variety of inappropriate reasons as to why my brother was in a bad mood. I ignore her but Daniel seemed agitated.

"Shut up for once you stupid ginger" That made Winter shut her mouth which was a unusual thing for her to do. Daniel still hadn't answered my question.

"Has it got something to do with the new guy" It was the only thing on Winter's mind and mine. The boys obviously didn't like him, heck I already knew Conner despised him.

Daniel stops looking at the road when we stopped at a traffic light, he looks at me with a surprised expression on his face and a hint of shock.

"How do you know about him?' Daniel's surprised confirmed my suspicions, the new guy had something to do with my brother's and his friends new attitude.

"I just heard his name around, who is he?" I ask as Daniel dashes the car forward towards the school car park, he doesn't reply to me until we were parked in Daniel's usual parking spot.

He cuts of the engine to look at me his eyes filled with concern.

"You Cress of all people need to keep away form him" Daniel tells me; I give him a confessed look. Why me?

"Promise me you won't go looking for trouble. Because we can protect you here but if you go looking for him then you're out of our hands" I didn't know what Daniel was talking about the new guy or was he even talking about Elliott.

"Don't worry, I'm looking for a peaceful, final year of high school" I tell him.

With that Daniel exists his car. I could see the confused expression on Winter's face as she was trying to work out what was going on but there is only one thing I see when I exit the car is something different about the car park.

My eyes glance at the suddenly non-empty space.

Either it was filled with his red Lamborghini or it was empty.

It wasn't just me glancing at it, everyone was. It had a shiny silver car parked in his spot

Parked in Elliott's place.


Well at least I'll get better at calculus in detention I try and encourage myself but if I was being honest I didn't want to go, I just wanted to roll up in my duvet at home and watch every chick flix I owned.

I walk in to the room and let out a sigh. I was the first one in the class. Great what a sack I am.

I sit down at a random desk in the middle of the room and pull out my notes; I begin to chew on the back of my pen as I look through all the formulas.

I hear the door side open and Aiden and Conner walk in. Aiden comes to sit in front of me and Conner follows. Aiden turns around on his chair to look at me with a wicked grin on his face.

"What did you do, did you just blow up the toilets" I ask him raising an eyebrow.

He holds up a small metal bottle that I was sure I had seen before.

"Is that laughing gas" I gasp.

Our teacher walks in and Aiden places he bottle in his lap trying to hide his smirk.

That's when an unfamiliar figure walks in the room, his striking blonde hair matte on his head and he rolls his green eyes. Those green eyes I was sure I'd seen them before.

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