Chapter 17.5 //"Your boobs aren't real but even the best of us sometimes forget"

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Author note:

AHHHHH! So I was clearing out my laptop before uni and found this chapter. Like I must have written this like 2 years ago but oh my god, I think it would be a crime if I didn't upload it. Reading through it made me cry because I realize how much I miss writing this book, even writing in general.

Anyway enjoy and I hope you find it as funny as I did.

Chapter 17.5 //"Your boobs aren't real but even the best of us sometimes forget"

You know that moment when you're prancing around your bedroom in a poor excuse for a t-shirt and a pair of short shorts. Your hairbrush is placed in the palm of your hand, and you're singing your whole heart and soul out like you are a contestant of some sort of show. Don't act like you've never done it.

That is me right now, belting out the lyrics at the top of my voice from the songs on my playlist. I'm hopping on and off my bed and bringing out all my weird and wonderful dance moves.

And what happens when your phone starts ringing at a deafening volume, well any sane person would scream in shock.

What do I do? I get my ankles twisted together and land face flat on the carpet. I have to drag myself along to my desk and grab my phone to answer the call, all while still lying on the floor.

"Hello?" I groan into the phone.

"Crescent I need your help" The voice is filled with worry, I removed the phone from my ear to catch a peak of the caller ID and take in a sharp breath.

"Tell me what's wrong Elliott"

I roll my eyes at my reply to him, he's probably playing some sort of prank on me.

"It won't shut up, I'm going to kill it but I can't hurt it"

I sigh into the phone "Elliott stop playing riddles with me and tell me what's wrong"

"Even Daniel can't shut it up"

That's when the phone line goes dead.

I jump into action, pulling on a pair of skinny jeans, change into a grey jumper, and tug on my trusty converse. There is a high chance Elliott is playing a prank on me but something makes me get up and leave my house.

I hurry down the street until I reach the Grayson residence and shove the gate open, immediately pressing the doorbell.

The door opens before I can ring it for a second time. Elliott is standing there, wearing a pair of tight jeans, his jumper is sticking to him and his hair is lying flatly on his forehead in a crumpled mess. The sleeves of his grey jumper are rolled up and his face is red as if he has just been shouting.

That's when I hear crying from inside the house, I give Elliott a weird look as I push past him.

I walk into the living room and I stop in the doorway looking at the sight in front of me.

In front of me, Daniel is holding a  tiny child. The crying child's back is towards me and Daniel looks up in panic when he hears someone walk in the room.

"Why are you holding a baby?" I ask my brother, my mouth hanging open. Holy shit is this either Elliott or Daniel's child. Or is it their child.

"What are you doing here?" My brother asks rudely.

"Elliott told me to come over, what are you doing here?" I ask my brother eyeing him suspiciously.

Why is he holding this tiny little baby, the baby seems to be crying but unmoving

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