Chapter 1: Flowing Rivers

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I glared at the street ahead as I drove furiously.

How dare they. Why would they? How could they even do this to me?

The only person I could think to go to was Christian. Too bad I'd broken up with him, but I know Christian, he'd take me back as though I were oxygen to his very own lungs. I pushed my feet onto the gas pedal, going as fast as my car would let me.

Get wrecked.

That's what I want to do. But after four long years at college, it would be like the tip of a broken pencil, pointless.

My phone buzzed. I can't look at it I'm driving. I annoyingly thought to myself feeling rebellious I grabbed my phone and parked on the curb. Semi-rebel.


I'll go to Brad. Brad was one of the greatest people I've ever met. We met in high school and he was super friendly and adoring toward everyone.

Hey, sorry I couldn't be there to see you graduate! Congratulations! So happy for you. He'd texted me so cheerfully as he'd been stuck in Florida. I smiled widely. I missed Brad, he was an amazing friend.

I grinned widely, feeling as though the only person I could speak to about this was Christian.

I made a U-turn and began my drive to Christian's.

I knew he wouldn't care that I was here. I parked outside his apartment. It was strange how all of us, well most of us, had applied and gotten accepted to a school in California.

I took a deep breath, awaiting telling him exactly what happened, and hoping he would offer me a shoulder to cry on.

I looked reluctantly at my car door as I pulled the handle, pushing the door open and walking out into the cold air. It was strange to have cold weather in California, especially in the spring.

I took a deep breath as I walked to his door and knocked.

No answer.

I turned on my heel, ready to walk away, why was I even here?

"Eleanor. What're you doing here?" Christain smirked, breathing heavily, as he opened the door. I turned to look at him, his hair was a mess and his bare chest showed as small trickles of sweat. It may have not been evident to anyone else, but I could tell he had his sweat pants on backwards.

Was he just having sex with someone?

I stumbled backwards, the thought officially registering in my mind. I saw blonde hair pop up on his couch as my heart fell. Has he been cheating on me this whole time? Again?

I felt tears stinging my eyes as I wiped away aggressively.

"Eleanor, it was bound to happen eventually, better you find out now. What the hell are you doing here anyway?" He asked, running his fingers through his hair.

My jaw trembled, my eyes watering as I began speaking and only two words in my mind could be processed. My quivering lip began moving, but I couldn't make out what words were being said.

I glared at him, feeling my heart tearing to pieces and thrown onto mud.

"Fuck you." I said through quivering lips as I realized he'd never, never actually wanted me. He'd just wanted the sex that came with me. I felt so used as I began walking away.

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