Chapter 32: Carnegie's Smile

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Katherine McNamara as Rachel

"I had an abortion." She finally said, "I didn't tell him and he expects me to have the kid in five months."

"Why did you do it then?" And why did you involve my husband? I wanted to add, the little green monster called Jealousy escaping my flaring nostrils.

"The doctor said that I would die while giving birth because my body is too weak and frail to support an eighteen-pound baby. I don't even know why it was so heavy. " She said, tears dripping from her eyes. I didn't understand why she was crying.

So what she got rid of her kid, at least she would live and have more kids that won't harm her like that.

"I don't understand your problem?" I stated. I was having trouble understanding what she was getting to, what her point was in all this.

"My husband is super religious, in fact, his father is the preacher at my church and if he finds out then he will, in all honesty, kill me." She began balling now, I didn't know what to do. Adam was the one who is good at consoling and comforting people. I am the one causing the hurt usually.

Hurt people hurt people.

I hadn't yet talked to Adam about why he never called once in his two months away from me. But I would save that for later.

"Well then if he kills you, you wouldn't have to worry about him being mad anymore. And I doubt it, murder is a sin." I whispered the last part as her worried face shifted into a scowl that made me want to laugh.

"Adam!" She shouted, "I can not deal with her. She won't take me seriously." She shouted across Adam and I's house. I glowered at her for a minute, waiting until Adam walked toward us from his spot in the kitchen.

"Me?!" I finally erupted. I couldn't contain my anger or confusion any longer. "You're a stranger. I don't know you or your intentions! You came into my damn life which was already messed up and took my husband from me for two months!? Excuse me if I am annoyed that he didn't even tell me we would be having guests." I glared at Adam this time before marching up the stairs and into my room. Yes, MY room. Adam was no longer allowed in here.

I sat on the ground beside the door, anger welling up inside of me as I kept considering and scheming and making up stories of what they may have done together in the last two months and why the hell nobody will tell me anything about anything. They are leaving me in the dark and it's frustrating.

"Eleanor." A warm voice said as Adam attempted to open the door. He realized it was locked before knocking.

"Go away. Like you've been doing the past two months. You promised me it would only be one month and then you come back two months later with your damn ex-girlfriend. I am confused and frustrated and need to be alone." I said thoughtfully, convincing myself not to let him in.

"Eleanor, please open the door," Adam said softly.

"No," I mumbled. Crossing my arms and shaking my head, even though he couldn't see it.

"Quit being immature El." He whispered, barely audible through the door. His use of the nickname my brother had given me brought tears to my eyes. And now they weren't just tears for Jase, but also for Adam and for the carpet and some other random reason. I felt highly hormonal and should be left to myself until I get things under control.

"You've been trying so damn hard to change me. To make me less of a damn slut and now I can't even look at a guy without thinking of you while you're off meandering with your ex-girlfriend!" I emphasized the word to express my dismay.

"Can we talk Eleanor? Please open the door." He sighed, there was shifting on the other side of the door and suddenly the locked door wasn't locked anymore. I stood up now to push against the door.

This reminded me of when I would hit Jase or steal his things and go hide while he tried to get revenge by pushing against the door.

"You're being immature Adam," I grunted, trying my hardest to push against the door, but clearly the muscles he had strengthened would beat my bedridden ones.

"I wouldn't have to be if you weren't." He replied. His strength overpowered me and the door flew wide open as I fell on the carpeted floor with Adam landing on top of me.

My heart skipped a beat at our closeness. I wanted to do so many things but he wanted me to be able to control myself.

I don't feel like me anymore. I feel like some introverted shy girl who doesn't know what to do with herself anymore.

His normally perfectly styled hair was messily out of place as though he had been running his hands through it these last twenty minutes. He looked hot. Smoking hot.

"Get off," I mumbled, remembering that I was still mad at him.

"That's new." He laughed as I slapped his arm.

"Adam I don't have time for this," I muttered, having nothing to do now that I would only show up to my dad's work when he needed someone.

Adam raised a dark eyebrow at me, as dark as his brown hair and eyes. His brooding eyes turned a million shades darker, almost black, slightly for a second and I squirmed under him.

"What the hell are you two. . . oh." The red headed she-devil walked into the room as I decided to do the next best thing. As soon as I saw her staring at Adam and me on the ground, I leaned forward and collided my lips with Adams. I began having trouble breathing almost instantaneously. My heart was beating faster than the speed of light and my mind was moving at a rate of a million times a minute.

I wanted to stake my claim, and now I had.

I felt different, normally when I kiss guys, I feel nothing, but clearly, with Adam, I had grown some sort of feelings. Especially that his plan of "time makes the heart grow fonder" began working.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" He asked.

"No," I smirked at him as we whispered silently making it appear we were whispering sweet nothings while Rachel stood by the door with a crushed look on her face.

I feel like that is what confirms it. She likes Adam still even after all those years.

She was gorgeous, way prettier than me if I must admit it. I could see her with Adam and them living a happy life together and raising their children. And this only made me feel even worse.

She cleared her throat and I pretended not to hear, Adam and I stared into each other's eyes like a love sick couple.

She was glaring now and I could feel it yet as she cleared her throat again. "Um. Get a room." She said as Adam immediately hopped off of me and helped me up.

"We are in a room, quit stalking us." I glared. The longer she stayed here, the more I hated her.

"Adam, would you mind if I stayed with you and your. . ." she paused to clear her throat, "wife for the next few days. Jack knows I am here and he is fine with it." She said. Jack must be her husband.

"Yes, I would mind actually," I said, preparing to fight her at the same time as Adam welcomed her with open arms.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Eleanor. I hate to interrupt but there is someone here to see you. He says it is urgent."

"Who is it?" I asked.

"He says his name is Jase Hay."

Don't you hate it when chapters end like this?

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