Chapter 7: The Sleeping Pact

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"Um. . . Adam, where do I sleep?" I asked, walking into the master bedroom. There were red roses placed across the bed and I wasn't willing to ask what he'd expected tonight. I felt dizzy, I had drunk a lot of wine tonight when I probably shouldn't have.

He walked into the room, still handsome as ever in his tuxedo.

As soon as his eyes landed on the rose petals, he placed two fingers on his forehead in frustration.

"Damn it, Elijah must have been here, I'm sorry about this." He said as he began picking up rose petals. He looked cute when he was worried. "You can change if you like." He gestured to the closet as I walked in to be met with rows upon rows of clothes I'd never seen before. He'd bought all this for me? How sweet.

I stared in amazement at the closet as I felt a hand touch the small of my back. Shivers ran down my spine, I wanted to push his hand away, but my body had other plans.

"I hope you like it." Adam's silky voice spoke sweetly, butterflies began bubbling in my stomach and with them the spawn of toads. I turned around to be met with his beautiful brown eyes.

I shouldn't be feeling this, any of this. I should hate him more than the caterpillars that eat my precious plants, but I couldn't because like the luxurious green caterpillars, he was beautiful and precious in my eyes, especially when he was being tender in a moment like this.

"I should change," I whispered, having trouble speaking. He cleared his throat and gave me a look that read victory. I would make him pay for this.

If this is a game, then I want to win.

I put on short velvet shorts and a red tank top that was all see-through material. A temptress, that's how I'll win this game.

I stepped back into the room, staring at his back as he began unbuttoning his shirt. My breath caught in my throat. I was physically attracted to this man, I must admit. But the emotional attachment didn't exist, it never did or had to. For me, any sex was just sex and I think that's why Christian Anderson thought it was okay to cheat on me

He looked at me through the mirror, a smirk on his handsome face.

"So Mrs. Carnegie," he turned toward me, taking his shirt off, "where would you like to have our honeymoon?" He took a few steps closer to me until his abs were all I could look at.

It suddenly felt really hot in here.

"I... uh," I stuttered, unwilling to feel for him by looking into his amazing hazel brown eyes. "Do you have air conditioning in here?" I asked taking a step back, trying to catch my breath. He was breathtaking and I couldn't escape it. I couldn't have tried harder to leave, but divorce was still an option, an option I wouldn't want to go through, but I needed my freedom. I was only twenty for God's sake! Who gets married this early? I haven't had a chance to explore the world and whatnot.

"Eleanor." His smooth voice pulled me away from my thoughts. I looked up to be met with his intense brown eyes. I felt my heart rate rising, I looked away again quickly. Do my parents even care about me, this man could be a rapist or even a murderer for all they knew and now they left me with him. Forever.

"Where do I sleep? I'm exhausted." I said, taking another step back as he took a step forward. My back hit the wall and I now realized there was no chance I could win this imaginary game I was playing.

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