Chapter 41: Discovering Shame

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"Hey Dad," Adam smiled walking into his fathers office. "So you know that new employee you hired in Florida, well I heard he crashed the company car and he needs you to fly out there tonight." Adam said, he had never been good at lying but maybe he could have inherited that from his mom. Lying seemed to be built into his father whereas his mother could never tell a single lie.

"I didn't hire anyone in Florida."  Mr. Carnegie said, "someone is getting fired today. Susan set me a flight now!" He smirked cheerfully before speaking to Susan who just so happened to have been in the room and was always prepared for Adam.

"Of course sir." she said, keeping her eyes trained curiously on Adam.

She had a deep desire to be with Adam ever since he hired her five years ago. They never went on a date, never kissed, they were merely colleagues in the same line of work.

Adam stayed in his father's office. Sure he was hurt, but he still needed to see his wife, to have her explain herself especially since she had gone randomly missing and ended up in a video with someone that Adam knew she had never met.

Within a few minutes, Susan was in front of the door with a piece of paper, "Mr. Carnegie. Your ride is ready." She was referring to Adam. But Adam was not going.

He had remembered that test lab from once when he snuck in. He got in severe trouble, but he knew it was in this building somewhere. He had about three to six hours to find out before his father returned and locked him up too.

"Adam son will you join me?"

"No, I have to stay here and take care of everything. I am going to draft up my own divorce papers." Adam lied, he needed his father to believe that he was over Eleanor. That he didn't love her or even care that she had been forced into sex with a stranger.

All the evidence from the FBI inspection had said that she was kidnapped on her way home from a run. They had somehow found the car wheels prom and traced it to one that works in the Carnegie Hall laws business. It belonged to someone named Clayton Jones. But that person would get his due diligence after Adam found his love.

"Clever boy, we all knew Eleanor was bad for you. It was a matter of time before you found out yourself." Adam remained calm, wanting so badly to fight the bastard but couldn't blow his cover.

"Yeah. You're right." Adam laughed as Mr. Carnegie walked out of the room and followed behind Susan up the stairs and to the private jet.

However, Mr. Carnegie wasn't stupid. If he wanted to separate them, he would make sure both parties hated each other.


"I am going to draft up my own divorce papers," Adam said, his voice and his beautiful face projecting into the room.

"Is that your husband?" A tired Vladimir asked, they hadn't touched each other for the past week since Mr. Carnegie had left them there to thirst and starve to death. It was evident that Eleanor had lost a whole lot of weight and so did Vladimir. Surely people knew they were still alive and probably didn't care anymore. Eleanor was cheating. Again. Vladimir was cheating on his girlfriend. The news was nothing new.

"Yes." Eleanor mumbled, her eyes all dried from the salty tears that now stung her cheeks. She lay her head on the metal wall of the bright room. One light was slowly dimming. Or maybe that was her brain shutting down.

"Adam son will you join me?" Mr. Carnegie, the devil, said.

"No I have to stay here and take care of everything. I am going to draft up my own divorce papers." At this, her empty eyes began balling once again. Eleanor's stomach clenched in so many different ways that it began hurting to even breathe.

Vladimir scooted closer, the room was empty and their clothes had somehow been taken. This was such a pure moment, like the beginning of Adam and even. Nudity didn't faze either of them because the fact was, they both cheated, they both wronged their spouse.

His pulled her bare back this bare chest and hugged her, "I'm sorry." He whispered, hugging her tightly as she shook.

"Why would he say that?" She cried between tears.

"I don't understand either." Vladimir whispered, kissing her shoulder. She felt her heart about to burst open. Adam had betrayed her. And she wanted nothing to do with him anymore.


Adam searched for the part of the building that read "DO NOT ENTER" that was probably where the lab would be if he could remember correctly from all those years ago.

Confusion boggled his head, the image of Eleanor with another man replaying in his mind and fueled his anger and need to discover where she was.

He ran up to the roof after his father left, in search of a secret valve or anything that may have had even the slightest touch of being restricted.

Nothing. He rushed down the stairs and searched every one of the ten stories of the building. His normally calm and well-prepared self was frantic and a mess now.

As soon as he reached the basement level, he was exhausted. The basement was dark, there was no way he could find a bright room in there.

But nonetheless, he searched. Until he came upon a restricted area which he quickly entered.

A strange gas went off. And he was out. Unable to breathe as the smell devoured him. He crawled away as quickly as he could, the light at the end of the tunnel pulling him in. He crawled quickly, his limbs beat and his legs exhausted. He was having trouble keeping his eyes open.

The joy of seeing Eleanor was the reason he stayed awake long enough to press the red button on the door. He saw a glimpse of a naked Eleanor and Vladimir sitting on the cold dark ground. They looked like lab rats.

"Adam!" Eleanor screamed, rushing up to him as he fell unconscious.

"Vlad! Help me!" She screamed as they finally had a small taste of freedom.

"Carbon Monoxide." Vlad said. "It odorless and tasteless but it kills so easily. We have to get him out of here." He shouted, his voice croaking. Eleanor and Vlad dragged Adam toward the door and up to the stairs.

"Now. Well. Well. Well. Where do you think you're going?"

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