Chapter 42: Criminal Lies

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Tom Welling as Vladimir Claiming. Isn't he beautiful? Also, NEXT CHAPTER IS FOR FOLLOWERS ONLY -don't worry you can unfollow later if you want :)

"Let us go you damn criminal!" Eleanor shouted, her eyes grew wild. They were so close to escaping. "Adam inhaled Carbon monoxide, he will die if we don't get him to a doctor."

"Let him die then." Mr. Carnegie snarled. "The stupid boy defied me, he thought he could lie to me and get away with no consequences."

Rage filled Eleanor and she walked up to old Mr. Carnegie, grabbed his cane from his hand as he stumbled forward, she whacked the stick into his head.

Quickly Eleanor and Vladimir dragged Adam up with whatever strength was left of their muscles. They ended up on the elevator and took it to the front entrance.

Exhaustion overcame them as they stepped out of the elevator and fell onto the hardwood floor of the first level of Carnegie Hall.

"Help us, Adam needs a doctor," Eleanor muttered as she fell onto the floor beside Adam. Exhausted and barely breathing.

Only Vladimir remained awake as wandering eyes stared.

"Someone call a fucking ambulance!" He stood up, not realizing that he was naked. He had grown so comfortable with it that it felt like he had clothes on.

People were staring at him, his private parts in particular.

"What are you looking at?" He shouted, glaring at all of them, "He needs help!" He shouted just as the sirens began nearing them.

Vladimir glanced one last time at the staring faces before feeling his knees buckle and his body fell onto the hard floor beside Eleanor.

The PastImes Newspaper:

Eleanor Carnegie and Vladimir Claiming Found on Floor of Carnegie Hall entrance Floor knocked out.

The three most dramatic billionaires in America have held their reputation. After having gone missing for over two weeks, Eleanor Carnegie and Vladimir Claiming have finally turned up. But how this miraculous recovery has been found depends on the fact that Adam Carnegie, son of Hank Carnegie, was involved.

Nobody has any knowledge of what went down. However, the sex tape between Eleanor and Vladimir is a pretty big hint.

Inspectors are still investigating the odd lab underneath Carnegie Hall which is illegal. Hank Carnegie, the father of Adam Carnegie has been charged with fraud and a planned murder, he will hopefully be behind bars very soon. Meanwhile, his son is stuck having trouble getting oxygen in the hospital. It is not known what will happen to Adam Carnegie but it is predicted that he has a 45% chance of staying alive. Almost 50 percent.

Having turned up two days ago in a video that was far from being family friendly, Vladimir and Eleanor are both slowly recovering. Vladimir's unforgiving girlfriend has yet again made him the world's most eligible bachelor.

In other news, Investigators are still trying to figure out why those specific two were chosen and what exactly happened.

We will have more news when Eleanor or any of the three are conscious.

(Back to Eleanor's POV!)

I lay on the bed my head throbbing and my legs aching in pain. I had unprotected sex over ten times with a man that was very capable of having children. I slowly opened my eyes, the bright lights flashing in them.

"You're awake now?" Vladimir's blue eyes waved at my own. He seemed healthy and alive.

"How long have I been out?" I yawned, my arms unable to stretch. I had an IV needle in one arm and a cast around the other. It made me wonder what happened because I couldn't recall anything past Adam saving us.

I had never broken a bone before.

"Two days since I woke up. So maybe a week." Vladimir kindly said. His eyes still contained dark circles, his stubble was gone and his voice was tired.

"Where's Adam?" I asked, my heart racing at the mention of his name.

"Eleanor. . ." Vladimir said, his saddening features worrying me. I held my breath, Adam had inhaled Carbon monoxide, a deadly chemical, on his way to rescue me.

"Where's Adam?" I asked frantically again. A dark feeling filled me, I couldn't lose another person I love. I looked wide eyed at Vladimir, my breathing growing heavy. "Where is he?" I shouted.

"Eleanor calm down..." Vladimir said. "Nurse!" He yelled as someone came. I stared at everyone, my heart rate rising and hyperventilating.

"It's okay sweetheart." A nurse said as they inserted something into my IV bag. "Relax, everything will be fine."

"Good night," Vladimir said as my eyelids came together and consciousness left me.

Probably the shortest chapter I have ever written but longer chapters are coming soon! Climax has arrived.

Comment what you think will happen next.

Hi guys, so for some reason, all the editing I did on this story did not get saved so I will re-edit it when I have time.

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