Chapter 23: Perversely Wed

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We sat in his black gallardo, silently staring at the church.

"You want to go inside?" Adam asked, clenching his jaw tightly as he stared ahead. The parking lot was an extremely crowded space of the church. Pure and Noah must have a lot of families. . . and friends. He wouldn't look at me.

"No," I replied, turning my attention away from him to stare ahead. I pursed my lips and crossed my arms over my shimmering golden dress. I definitely outdid the bride, I was a million times prettier than Pure.

"Eleanor, can we just talk about it?" I felt his brown gaze shift to me as I stared ahead.

"No. I'll tell you when you tell me who Rachel is."

He sighed, "That's not fair." I finally turned to look at him, his hard brown eyes.

"Fine be honest with me and I'll be honest with you." I finally say, opening the door of his Lamborghini Gallardo and stepping out in my sparkling golden dress. It had diamond sparkles all across it and slimmed me very well. The back was wide open with a cute design on the back. Yup. Totally outdone Pure. That's what she gets for not asking me to be a bridesmaid.

"Now you'll go inside?" He was at my side, shutting off the car with a press of the keys and reached for my hand.


"Eleanor. . ." He had that playful look back in his eyes, a contagious smile spreading on his perfect features. "I'll tell you every thing after your friend's wedding."

"Promise?" I asked, pouting my lower lip slightly as he stared at my blue eyes.

"I promise." He whispered, softly pressing his lips to mine, sending my heart insane. I felt my knees go weak as his hands naturally moved from mine to the small of my back. We walked into the church and took our assigned seats.

Adam sat closely beside me and held tightly onto my hand. I looked at him but he just smirked and nodded.

I remember coming to church. But it was only a few times in high school. It was very traditional and oddly cute how Pure chose to have her wedding here. I'd over ever come here with Brad.

Speaking of Brad, his soothing voice came into play as he sat beside me.

"Eleanor!" He grinned, I felt my heart swell with joy as he hugged me. Adam's hand noticeably tightened around mine as I kissed Brad's cheek.

"I haven't seen you in forever." I announced, unable to let go of him. In all honesty, Brad is one of the kindest good hearted people I have ever met. He reminds me of Jase, considering how close of friends they had been anyway.

"Yeah, me too. How've you been, you know, with. . ." I knew what he was referring to, sweet same old Brad unwilling to hurt my feelings or bring back bad memories.

"I'm fine," We watched as Noah entered the church and stood at the front. "Dang. Noah looks good." I accidentally voice my thoughts as Adam stiffened beside me and his hand tightened even more if that was even possible. "Ow, Adam," I whispered as he quickly let go completely.

"I'm sorry." He whispered rolling his eyes and clearly, he was not sorry. He then continued turning his attention back to whoever had sat beside him as they talked. I caught a glimpse of the guy beside him, they looked like absolute opposites with the other guy having blond hair and blue eyes. He was cute, but nobody can compare to Adam, not even Noah.

I did not just say that.

"Excuse me, mind if I sit here?" I looked up to be met with the very same face of the woman who stole my lobster. Sandra.

"Not at all, go ahead." Brad smiled, making room for the food-thief. How did she get invited? I am so confused.

"Thank you. I'm Sandra by the way, a friend of Eleanor's."

"I didn't know Eleanor had friends." Brad laughed as I elbowed his side, he smirked in return.

"Why are you here?" I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms over my golden chest.

"A friend of a friend of a friend of the cousin of a friend of Noah invited us." She replied.

"Great," I muttered just as the music began playing and bridesmaids and groomsmen began walking down the aisle.

As soon as the fluff of the white dress could be seen, everyone had stood up, all holding their breaths as a smiling Pure -soon to be Williamson- began walking down the isle.

Noah's eyes were glued to her face. I felt a small tinge of jealousy that I had never had a wedding like this. Sure mine was more expensive and stunning, but it was loveless and it hurt to see them so happy together.

"She's so pretty." Sandra chimed in as Pure reached the altar and everyone took their seats.

I shut my eyes groaning. I shouldn't be feeling like this. I should be happy for them. Stop thinking Eleanor. Don't be a bitch on her wedding day. You and Pure are friends now. STOP IT ELEANOR.

I took a deep huff and stood from my seat. I quickly walked out, the fresh evening air calming my senses.

"Are you okay?" Adam's hands were on the shoulders, spinning me to face him.

"Yeah, I just needed some air. I'll be back in a minute." I smiled and turned away from him.

"If something is bothering you, you know you can tell me right? I mean, we should be able to tell each other everything." Adam whispered slowly as I felt his heat as he stood behind me and planted a soft kiss on the nape of my neck. I didn't want to be affected but I was. Shivers had run down my spine and I shrugged it away.

Remember Eleanor. He's the bad guy. He forced you to wed him.

"Come on Eleanor." He whispered, trailing his hand down my arm and grabbing my hand as we walked back inside to watch Noah and Pure kiss in front of the whole church. We had missed most of the ceremony, and only a select group forty people were going to the after party.

Pure pulled away, a wide smile reaching ear to ear was plastered, probably permanently, as she and Noah began walking out the doors to quickly head to the after party.

"Do you want to go?" Adam's voice played in my ears as he and I walked toward his car. We had completely left Brad behind. And Sandra, thank the good Lord.

"Nope." I smiled, popping the P, "We have things to discuss." A devious smile grew.

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