Chapter 43: Line of Sight

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"She's pregnant." I heard voices murmur amongst each other. I was having trouble opening my eyes.

"How could she cheat on Adam like this?" Cheat? I did no such thing. I was trying to stay alive.

"My poor baby is getting surgery while his slut of a wife is sleeping here letting another man's child grow inside her!" A woman said. "And my idiot husband can't come here because of this bitch that sent him to jail."

My eyes flew open.

"Oh Eleanor. . .you're awake." Adam's mother and sister and brother sat around me staring with furious looks.

"Are you happy now?" Adams brother, Elijah, asked.

"Why would I be happy?" I whispered, trying to find my voice.

"My brother-- your husband-- has been in the emergency room for the last few days. His freaking lungs are having trouble replacing the carbon monoxide with oxygen. If he doesn't do it soon, he could end up with fucking brain damage. It's all your damn fault. He had to go try and save your cheating ass--- and for what? To end up back in the hospital?"

I was having trouble processing what he was saying. "Where is Adam?" I asked, unable to comprehend his brother.

"Barely holding on to his life you idiot!" Adam's brother exclaimed.

"I have to see him!" I said and without thinking, I pushed myself out of bed and tore out the IV needle and probably injured the broken arm. I couldn't remember anything past sex with Vladimir. I recall Adam opening a door and then everything goes black.

I hadn't noticed that the hospital bed showed my entire back side but I couldn't have cared less.

"Should we stop her?" The sister mumbled.

"She can't get very far." The bother said as I left the room and quickly hobbled down the empty white hallway. I had tunnel vision, seeking signs that led to the emergency room.

I quickly turned the corner and fell backward. I bumped into an all-too-familiar warmth that scooped me up as soon as he saw me.

"What are you doing?" Vladimir asked placing his arms on my bare back.

"Vlad, I'm pregnant." I began crying as he carried me back to my room.

"I know." He seemed to hug me closer. I looked at the signs that I had just passed moments ago.

"Wait! I need to go see Adam. Please take me to him." I whined, kicking as I glared at his firm jaw which seemed to tighten at the mention of Adam.

"Eleanor, you need rest." He carried me back to the now empty room and placed me on the bed. He warmly pressed his lips against mine, I was shocked. We didn't have to do anything together anymore, I didn't understand why. He knew I was married.

He stayed for a few hours before leaving me completely alone.


Sometimes I wonder where Jase is. Is he in heaven? Does he miss me?

I play back all the good times we had. Skating together, pranking mom and dad on Christmas, him beating up my bad boyfriends in high school when I wasn't dating Christian. I missed him.

And he was my main thought as I lay wide awake in my hospital room at midnight. It was getting cold and I didn't know who to get or how I could turn on the heater.

It was completely silent and that left so much room to clear my head.

Adam. He popped up in my thoughts more than recently. His milky brown eyes, his always tidy brown hair, his amazing smile, his lips, his chest, his back, everything about him made my heart race a million times a minute even though he wasn't here.

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