Chapter 16: Invective

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I sat on the bed of our new hotel room, admiring all the windows and the balcony whose scenery stretched out for miles.

Adam was in the shower. After many phone calls, he'd been able to get us a flight to California within the next two days. Hopefully, there won't be any more rituals. I laughed at my own thoughts.

I looked again at the odd message I'd gotten earlier requesting my help and pressed call.

"He. . .hello." someone said, the voice sounded familiar and male.

"Hi, who's this?" I wanted to be straight forward with all of this.

"Hey Eleanor, it's Noah." I could practically feel the nervousness beaming in his voice.


I bit my lip, staring at the television in our hotel room as Adam lay asleep beside me in our dark room.

I had my hand in his hair, playing with it silently as I stared ahead of me.

I can't sleep. At all.

I stood up and began walking back and forth in the hotel room. I held the phone beside the bed tightly, scanning the digits, the nine was worn out and so was the four.

I looked at the small code they put side the phone, for 24-hour food services dial 494. That's probably why those numbers were worn out.

I dialed the number, listening to the slow buzzing sound of the other line until someone picked up.

"Hi, thank you for calling Hotel Room Service. What would you like to order?" I looked at the dark shutters of the window beside an air vent. Cool air flew through it. I didn't really like to eat when I am stressed, but there was one food I could eat all day every day.

Buffalo wings. But considering it was midnight and I might get heart burn from it, I chose the next best thing, ice cream.

"Icecream, please? Do you guys make caramel sundaes?" I asked, "and do you have any pain relievers?" I added, rubbing my forehead.

"Actually we ran out of icecream yesterday, we were going to buy more. Seems like heartbreak is in season." The woman on the other line laughed. I glared at the shutters once again, feeling the cool breeze from the air vent and rubbing the spot on my forehead. I slammed the old phone back into its slot and opted for trying to sleep instead.

I set my head back down on the pillow turning away from Adam. I shut my eyes then reopened them and tried again. I suddenly felt strong arms embrace around my stomach, pulling me to him. I turned around to be met with the beautiful brown eyes of Adam Carnegie.

"Can't sleep?" He whispered as shivers ran down my spine.

"No," I replied in his same tone, now completely turning to him, facing him completely.

"Me neither." He laughed silently, "are you cold?" His head gestured to the giant vent beside me as his warm hand landed on my cold arm, I could feel the goosebumps on my arm.

"No," I said. Trying to breathe normally.

"Oh, okay." He smirked, knowing I was lying as he pulled me closer, his warmth engulfing me. Millions of thoughts ran through my head, especially of Noah's call. His words kept running in my mind, being changed and altered in strange ways.

"I need your help." He'd said, " I want to satisfy Pure." He'd said. And I didn't reply. I merely ended the call. I had a new urge to stay faithful. And how dare he call me at a time like this while I'm stuck in freaking Texas with my husband and have to wait two days to find out about my dead brother and I just can't handle anything right now.

I feel like a flower petal in a cold lake, floating aimlessly and fragile through the water.

"I could really use some air right now," I whispered as I felt Adam chuckle a bit.

"Of course." He smiled as I met his soft brown eyes and wanted to shatter into a million pieces. How could someone so perfect exist? And why would he choose me? I'm annoying and needy, and rude, and a total bitch who makes innocent guys like freaking Noah Williamson want to cheat on his girlfriend. I shook my head in frustration, suddenly feeling tears brim my eyes.

My life's a mess, I should just end it and join my brother. The horrid thoughts bursting in my mind sent tears down my eyes and Adam just seemed to know. He remained quiet, hugging me and occasionally placing a kiss into my hair whispering sweet nothings.

"You're going to be okay. " He whispered, as we lay in the bed, I looked up at him wanting so badly to kiss those pink lips. His eyes landed on mine and deeper shades of brown filed in. A look of desire filled his face as he leaned in closer.

My heart felt like it might just plunge out of my chest and fly across the room, I cursed the butterflies in my belly for all that they were doing.

I leaned in as close as I dared, fearing his rejection as his lips brushed over mine and closed the small distance between us. I felt waves of electricity flow through my body, feeling as though this may just be a dream. The kiss was short and sweet but long enough for feelings to erupt and all evil thoughts to dissipate.

Adam was so. . .perfect. I looked at him for a second, the butterflies not yet gone and my shallowed breathing picking up its pace. He gave me a half grin as our foreheads touched. There was not more than an inch of space between any part of us. I had never felt this way before. And I was craving more. I wanted to spend the rest of the night kissing Adam and nothing more.

I leaned in a bit but Adam pulled back.

"The guy is supposed to initiate the kisses. " He smirked, laughing.

"You're so old-school." I giggled, his lips hovered beside mine as I stared at them, willing them to join mine.

"Sometimes old school is good." He said, kissing me once again. I faintly smiled. Adam would take away the pain, the loss.

If only for just a second.

So hey guys, no cliffhanger for this chapter so to wait till next week shouldn't take too long. I've decided that I prefer updating on Saturdays so I was wondering if you guys could give me a Friday-Saturday range of time for updates?

Also please:



and check out my other stories in the meantime:

GREED by @bellybuddy
Unpopular by @bellybuddy

Also if you haven't already read the first book to this sequal, please do. It will make some things more clear.

PURE BLISS by @bellybuddy (the first book in this series if your curious as to who Pure, Noah, and Christian truly are)

Anyway, can't wait for the next update!! Can't believe they FINALLY KISSED FOR REAL!!!

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