Chapter 51: His Lies

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There was more to trapping me to have sex with Vladimir than just getting the Carnegie name out there and having more people use that law firm. I know that for a fact, the Carnegie name never left everyone's ears. That's what the majority of people talked about because news of random stuff about me, Adam, and Mr. Carnegie had repeatedly popped up.

No, it couldn't have been that except for if it was, Vladimir would have substituted himself for someone else. I wouldn't have gotten stuck with Vladimir.

It made so much sense now why he was so eager to announce that he wanted my child. Because he couldn't have children.

What still remained a mystery was why the doctors had lied to me. Or perhaps I had imaged the whole thing. Maybe the memory from our honeymoon when we entered into the strange shop and got told our fortunes was seeping through my subconscious and making itself conscious. Two kids and love, I still remembered it and it was only partially true.

It would have obviously been a win-win situation for everyone but Adam and me.

I felt like everyone owed me an explanation because things could not be as simple as it seemed. I decided I would call the hospital later, ask them why they lied to me if in fact they had. And I needed to know why the hell Vladimir did that to me, and not to mention the criminal Mr. Carnegie.

Mr. Carnegie would have gotten away with divorcing us, Vladimir would have had an heir to the Claiming Porn Industry, and I had a feeling Christian was somehow involved in all of this.

It was crazy to think that Hank Carnegie got to leave his lifetime sentence. Even crazier was the fact that he wanted Adam and I to divorce, like he just didn't want to see us happy or something. I couldn't figure out what his problem was or why.

I glared at the empty row of seats in front of me, they had an airplane with no passengers but me. I wanted to rip my hair out and tear my skin away, I needed something to calm me down. Adam perhaps, but sex doesn't heal. It just makes a temporary escape and then the pain floods back in. The only thing that seemed to make sense to me was Adam. Thinking back to all the times that he had stopped me when I was upset to talk, Adam cared. Adam loved me, Adam protected me. I couldn't think of a better reason than that.

Nobody was as innocent as they seemed to be in his situation. I had origionally forgiven Vladimir, I had thought it wasn't his fault and that stuff just happens. But boy was I wrong.

They'd planned this whole thing out, but the demise to their idiocy was the fact the I, Eleanor Carnegie can have children but he, Vladimir Claiming can not. I hadn't noticed him taking any supplements the two weeks in the three floors under basement of Carnegie hall

That was the only possible answer to this madness. I felt a billion sighs of relief as the airplane finally landed in Jersey and I stepped out and took a cab home.

It was a sight to behold, the home was still as large and as beautiful as ever but as soon as I got out of the taxi, I heard yelling, shouting and items breaking.

"Mrs. Carnegie, you're home early, you might want to stay out here for a few minutes, Mr. Carnegie is having an argument with his son."

I nodded, confused. After a few minutes of listening to incomprehensive shouting that couldn't be easily heard outside the walls of the home, I approached, my eyes searching for Adam.

There were two figures, men in suits. Their shadows could be seen outside as I heard them speaking.

"I will take your name off the family property if you don't sign this right now! I own everything you have a child. You think you can be brave for your little Eleanor? Do you think she will still care about you when you have nothing?! You owe me this simple gesture. Sign it!" Older Mr. Carnegie yelled as Adam moved.

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