Chapter 2: Meeting Carnegie

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Brandon Thwaits as AdamCarnegie. Due to Copyright, several blurbs have been taken out of the story so some parts might not make sense. Purchase the book on amazon under the title: The Girl that Burst by Veronica Soliman.


My eyes fluttered open as I heard a knock on my door. The sudden burst and entry into my room proved that my mother had just destroyed my privacy and thrown herself into my bubble of sadness.

"Eleanor, sweetheart, we're really sorry about all of this. What we did was wrong sweetheart, but all we ask of you now is to meet him tonight. " I ignored her, rolling my eyes and turning around in my bed.

"Get out," I said in a low growl, dangerous to my own ears.

"You will meet him tonight. He is a nice young man and you will eat dinner with him." My mother took a seat on my bed, "he will pick you up tonight at exactly 6:45. I have already brought you the dress you will wear tonight. And listen here, Eleanor Hays. You will go through with this wedding."

"And if I don't?" I challenged, "who's going to stop me. When the hell is the wedding anyway?"

"Watch your language young woman. " Mom scolded as she stood up and fixed her skirt, "your wedding is tomorrow night."

"You've known about this for almost half a year now and you tell me now NOW!?" I yelled angrily, "A day before the wedding?! Even if I were to go through with this, how would I invite the rest of my family and friends, how am I supposed to choose the cake, the dress, the food?!" I screamed. I had too little time to plan my escape. How would I get through this? How can I possibly leave the country in just one night when the postal service doesn't even deliver that quickly? Where will my parents end up going?

"Enough of your whiny ignorance, get up, get dressed, it's already two in the afternoon. I don't understand why you're still sleeping, but you best get up, be dressed and ready before 6. Your dress is on your desk." Mom grunted angrily as she stood up, pursed her lips and walked out of my room.

I felt anger boil in my blood and burn to the core of my bones. I turned to face my pillow and muffled the scream that escaped my lips. Who the hell does that?

I stared at the ceiling pattern until it all became a blur, I stood up and decided to get ready to meet the asshole who I'm supposed to marry. And did I mention? Tomorrow Night.

I wore the hideous white dress that mom had placed on my desk. It was not the kind of dress I would have ever worn, it looked like something a friend of mine from highschool would've worn.

Thinking of Pure and my best friend Ashley made me want to run to them and see how well their lives were going.

I had no friends. After highschool, although I'd been super popular, my popularity had all dissipated. Fake friends, hundreds of them, were all I managed to make.

I stared at my phone as I lay down on the bed in the ugly white dress, my eyes feeling hazy as memories of high school flooded back in. They were horrible at first, all full of Christian trying to make me jealous while he flaunted the next girl to the crowd. It was sickening. Then the end of high school, my graduation, a real friendship.

I yawned, standing up as my mom walked into my room.

"You look awful!" She announced, "he will be here any minute, what have you done to your hair?"

"I left it, natural mom," I said nonchalantly as she gave me a disgusted look. I waved it off and yawned, stuffing my face back into the pillow, but she persisted.

"We'll have to work on that then." She grinned evilly, leading me to the bathroom and pulling out a bunch of materials used for hair. Hair spray, curling iron, argon oil, a hair brush all lay on the counter in front of me. She also took out a large bag filled the brim with different makeup products. Yay me. . .

I stared at her. Unbelievable, she might as well marry the guy if she cares so much. Why should it matter how I look anyway? He's going to be stuck marrying me either way unless I could find a way to make him hate me. Then he would have to cancel the wedding, but what if he is also being forced into this. It didn't matter, I would be awful to him either way.

I already hated him and I haven't even met the idiot yet.

I winced as the hot curling iron touched my scalp.

"MOM!" I shrieked frilly as she gave me an apologetic look in the mirror and continued to curl my hair. I glared at her half heartedly. I was in no mood for this. I glared grumpily at my reflection as I put foundation on my face.

I stared at myself in the mirror, my ocean blue eyes swimming with anger. I was angry at everyone. Why did I end up living this crappy kind of life?

"All done! Now just put on some mascara and you be a good girl tonight, unless you want to be bad, I won't stop you and your future husband." She snarkily remarked, winking as she walked out of the bathroom. I rolled my eyes, a half smile on my face as my crazy mom left the room. At least she could find ways to slip in a joke every once in a while.

Well, I did say I would meet him. And then I'd run.

Far away.


He stepped out of the limousine and walked around to open my door for me.

He held his hand out for me to hold. He seemed to be a pretty gentlemanly guy, but I ignored his gesture and his hand as I stepped out of the limousine myself. How the hell does he expect me to marry him tomorrow if I can't even stand him? And that smell, he smelled so wonderful.

"How long have you known about it?" I asked accusingly as soon as he stood beside me. I crossed my arms, avoiding any physical touch from this unbelievably beautiful man.

"Eleanor." He said, his voice low, sending shivers down my spine. This was the first time he ever said my name and I could already feel strange things.

"Well." I stood staring at him and demanded an answer. I was dumbfounded when my gaze shifted to the hundreds of cameras around us. I gulped audibly as eyes and whispers erupted all around.

Holy Mother of Jesus Christ.

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