Chapter 47: First Kiss

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The greenish watery slime flew rapidly from my mouth as Adam held my hair away from the toilet and slowly rubbed my back. I couldn't contain the barf and it didn't seem like it would stop anytime soon.

"It's okay Eleanor. You're fine." Adam whispered, sitting beside me on the cold bathroom floor and leaning forward to kiss my head. Tears were streaming from my eyes almost as quickly as vomit was flowing from my mouth. I shut my eyes, trying to stop the flow of fluid, but nothing could be contained. The damn baby was ruining my life. I woke up this morning to fresh stretch marks besides my stomach. How disgusting!

I guess that's what happens after 4 months of pregnancy. It was hard to believe that four months had already gone by, scary to think that in just 5 more, Vladimir's child would be born.

After the puke stopped coming, I stood up and hurriedly rinsed my mouth, brushing my teeth in the process.

"How're you feeling?" Adam's concerned eyes looked at me softly.

"Just great," I huffed as he wrapped his arms around me.

"We'll be fine, just a couple more months. . ." I could see the pain that formed on his face when he thought about my pregnancy.

"We're not fine! Your damn father tore us apart! I. . . I want an abortion. I don't want this child. I want a kid that is yours. Not Vladimir's. " Adam's face seemed to harden as he released me and walked away.

"Adam, where are you going?!" I rushed after him and grabbed his wrist, halting him in his tracks.

"Okay." He stated, "If that's what you want, then fine, but I don't support your decision." The desire to miscarry the innocent child growing inside me increased.

"Adam. . . this child isn't ours. You said you would support me. . ."

"You're right, it's yours, but as your husband, the child becomes ours. It's an innocent human being, Eleanor it knows nothing!" His voice began to rise. I suddenly felt afraid. I don't think I've ever been afraid of Adam, but this strong opposition to this was not something I had expected. "And do you understand how much this would crush you, Eleanor?!"

"Adam. . ." I said, trying to calm him down.

"My mother was going to have another child a few years ago. She thought she was too old and that the child might have autism or something else wrong with it." I could see it pained him to tell this to me, "so she got rid of it. And for years afterward, she was crushed. She. . . wouldn't go out to social gatherings or talk to people. She stayed home all the time, regretting her decision. Eleanor, I know that right now you feel like this child is the end of the world, but its not. Eleanor, I love you, but I don't want you to go through all that." He whispered now, stepping closer and pulling me into a hug.

"Okay," I said, running a hand through his hair and messing it up. "Are you. . . going to work today?"

He seemed to contemplate this for a moment, "No, I think we need a day together." He moved closer, softly pressing his lips to mine. Shivers ran down my spine and once again, the air of determination to somehow get rid of this child inside me grew. If it's a miscarriage, sure I will be upset, but at least it'll be gone. And I better try soon before the nine-month mark.


As soon as we stepped outside our home, hundreds of eyes were on us. Holding hands and walking side by side to the limousine that would take us to the amusement park.

We sat inside and waited for the driver to pull out of the driveway and onto the street.

"Eleanor, have you heard from Vladimir?" Reporters asked.

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