Chapter 5: Lost and Found

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Shawn Mendes as Brad. Due to Copyright, several blurbs have been removed from the story, where they are missing, it will say (MISSING BLURB). Purchase the book on amazon under: The Girl That Burst by Veronica Soliman.

Don't worry, not every chapter has one, just a couple.

Check out my other stories! "the boy who read minds" has been a fan favorite!


We smiled and laughed until he talked me out of my trip. He would drive me to Pure's house where I'd be able to hide. He was on his way to visiting her anyway, and the random change of my location would surely confuse anyone who came searching for me.

"Hey, Brad?" Jase walked up to us, a warm smile on his face as he sat beside me and man hugged Brad. "Long time no see bro, how is everything?"

"Jase, I've decided to stay in California, because so far all we've done, if they do track us down, is expect us to go somewhere else and where Adam is concerned, he would think I'm in Hawaii so if I stay here, he'll be in a wild goose chase for a while."

"But I just. . ." Jase glared at me in disbelief, "you just made me spend a two hundred dollars for nothing?"

"You can return your ticket but I'm keeping mine because it'll be a good cover-up plan. It has my name on it and everything so maybe I can enter the plane, check in, then make an excuse to leave."

"Who's crazy now." Jase smirked, standing up and tossing my bag at me as he turned on his heel to walk back to the help desk, "But I'm getting something out of this trip." Jase winked as he walked toward the girl there.

I rolled my eyes laughing.

"Let's go?" Brad stood up and offered to take my bag. So sweet of him. I had missed him so very much.

We walked to Jase who was flirting it up with the girl at the help desk, Brad grabbed the back of his shirt collar and dragged him along.

"Come on lover boy. We've got a trip to be getting to." Brad laughed as we walked out of the airport.

"You could've given me five more seconds. I was about to get her number." Jase laughed.

As soon as we stepped out, thousands of cameras were upon us. How the hell did they find us here? Fear filled every part of me as I leaned into Brad's side. The last trace of me was at the metro so for them to find me at the airport is unbelievable. I guess that's' what happens when you get engaged to a trillion dollar man and the heir to a huge company. It hadn't occurred to me what the Carnegie's would get out of this marriage until I realized they would need an heir to their self-created throne.

"Come on Eleanor, we've got to get going." Brad placed his hand on my back and led me away from the paparazzi.

"What the fu. . ." Jase began, rethinking what word would be best to use, "How the heck did they find us?" He signaled for a cab and hopped in taking my bag and making room for Brad and me.

"Where to?" The cab driver asked, turning toward us.

"7345 Mobile Road, " Brad said as the driver began the route to whatever that place was.

"You couldn't have said no to the asshole, honestly El! He's more trouble than he's worth." Jase announced, frustrated and finally sharing what he felt, "How the hell did they even find us here?" He glared at the window, taking deep calming breaths.

A few minutes of silence fell upon us as the cab driver pulled into a neighborhood that seemed evidently fancy.

"Crap, I forgot my bags," Brad laughed a bit, "I'll get them later, thanks, Mr. cab driver." He got out of the car and held the door open for me.

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