Chapter 8: Devils in Disguise

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Chapter 8.

  Due to Copyright, several blurbs have been removed from the story, where they are missing, it will say (MISSING BLURB). Purchase the book on amazon under: The Girl That Burst by Veronica Soliman.

Updates from this point forward will be biweekly (every other week).

I looked at my surroundings, a headache shaking my view as I opened my eyes. The room smelled of flowers and a natural scent of an extremely seductive cologne. I turned my head to be met with the most handsome face I had ever seen, his eyes were shut.

One night stand? I thought to myself as I began to get up and leave to head home.

"Five more minutes." He mumbled, a half smile on his face as he slowly opened his eyes. My breathing stopped as my eyes landed on his bare chest.

I suddenly felt extremely self-conscious, which was new for me, did we do anything last night?

I immediately looked at my skimpy outfit. I was wearing basically a red bra with lace see-through material coming off of it and shorts that were short enough to be underwear. A shock ran through me as I froze in my place. I wouldn't have minded doing anything, but still, I would have liked to remember this beautiful man doing it.

"We didn't do anything if that's what you're wondering." He said watching my eyes, "But you are quite the temptress. If you're going to dress like that every night, I may as well sleep downstairs" He said, getting up and taking his warmth with him. I suddenly felt extremely cold as he entered the bathroom.

Husband. The word rung in my ears as the events of yesterday played in my mind. I was married now. To this man whom I didn't even know.

"Yeah, you should." I yawned, stretching my sore limbs. There was a bruise on my arm, had he done that? It took me a few minutes to recall that I had basically thrown myself off the bed last night when keeping up with my charade.

After a couple moments of trying to remember what had happened last night, I stood up. He walked out of the bathroom in a freshly ironed tuxedo, did he have maids that did that sort of thing for him.

That's was quick. He looked extremely hot. I couldn't help my eyes as they trailed across his body, my stomach churning as they met his laughing eyes. He realized I was checking him out, yet he chose to ignore it.

"I actually have a few meetings today, but I promise Eleanor, we will have our honeymoon in two days, I just have to finish some things up at the office and then we can go to Hawaii."

"Hawaii?" I asked.

"You told me that's where you'd want to go last night."

"Oh." I sat on the edge of the bed, my fingers running through my messy hair as my legs dangled below.

"If you want to go anywhere else, just let me know. " He grabbed the suitcase that he kept beside the door and walked over to me, kissing my cheek. I still felt the spot that he'd kissed still tingling as I watched him walk out of the room.

I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, not bothering about showering or changing until later. I wanted to be repulsive.

I walked out and hopped downstairs to be met with delicious smelling pancakes.

"You made this?" I asked, astonished, he can cook?

"Yeah, want some?" He turned toward me a warm grin on his face. Jerk, I totally got his little message across with that want some line.

"I'm actually not a breakfast kind of girl," I said, taking a seat on the kitchen island as I watched him cook. "Maybe some coffee?" I suggested.

"You mean a breakfast kind of wife?" He grinned cheekily as I giggled at his stupid joke before catching myself and giving him a monotonous look.

"Don't you have some work to do?" I said, getting off the island and sitting on the couch.

"Don't you?" If he was referring to me working for my dad, he should know that I have no intention of doing that.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, confused and defensive.

"Nothing." He smirked as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Well, just leave me alone in this giant mansion, all. By. My. Self." I sighed, looking at him for no apparent reason.

"Your brother and that girl and her fiancé, you know the one who's house you were at, I invited them here today."

"What about Brad?"

"Oh that other guy, right, if he's available, he's not allowed." He laughed, walking toward me and handing me a plate with two pancakes and syrup.

"Thanks." I murmured, why do I even try.

"Of course, I'll see you tonight at seven." He gave me a heart stopping smile that would have girls melting under his feet. That smile should have been on the front page of a magazine. I had to clutch my heart to stop myself from toppling over the island's seat.

I took the plate from his hands as he leaned down to kiss my forehead. He has got to stop doing that. It drives me crazy.

"I'll see you tonight, bye Mrs. Carnegie." He walked to the garage and then the house was silent. I moved to the soft brown couch that was located in a separate living room. It was crazy how his home seemed to have two of everything, and I assumed one room was for guests while the other was for him. It was far more comfortable. I stood up and made some coffee before sitting down and realizing I was completely alone.

Just me and my four wasted years of college and a business degree with nothing to do with it.

"Mrs. Carnegie, there is a man here to see you. His name is Jason Hays." The buzzer beside the front door spoke. I stood up and walked through the giant magnificent space and pressed the buzzer to speak.

"Let him in, he's my brother" I quickly ran up the stairs and put on sweatpants and a more appropriate shirt, I don't want Jase to think anything went on and my husband, the husband that had been forced upon me.

"Okay, ma'am. I have unlocked the gate." The speaker said again. I ran back downstairs, almost tripping on the cold tile flooring in my socks.

"Looks like you two got cozy last night." The person who stood in front of my door was not my brother.

It was Christian Anderson.

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