Chapter 46: Baby Blues

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Fate. God. Maybe God created fate. Nevertheless, everything seemed to pop into place the moment my mind began to remind me of forgotten tales.

Adam Carnegie. Maybe we have always been meant to be together. Maybe from the second we were put on this Earth, our lives were automatically connected and had become one. But nobody knew back then. Things were different.

I could remember so many times I  had encountered those loving brown eyes. The ones that looked like they belonged in a museum to be looked at daily. Those beautiful innocent eyes that reminded me slightly of my long passed brother. And so many things have changed.

Jase is gone, officially and eternally gone. But his soul lives on, I see his kind and funny personality every day when I look at Adam Carnegie, my husband. I love him.

A man that I had met back when I was sixteen and nieve. I hadn't recalled who it was at the time but now I know. It was always Adam. Always Adam Carnegie.

I would have never thought that I'd be at a Disneyland coffee shop, half asleep, at two a.m. Well, not until a soul joined me at the table and fell asleep beside me. It was a comforting thing for a while before it turned creepy and I snuck a peek.

"Who are you?" I mumbled to the sleeping stranger. He sighed and opened his eyes.

"I'm sorry, the place is full and this table had an empty seat. Is it okay if I sleep here. I'm tired frankly and the Gradnight kids are a loud pain."

"Yeah, sure." I mumbled having thought up a million questions. How is this person still here at 2 a.m. if he isn't here for grad night? I contemplated for a minute before shutting my eyes and falling asleep.

"Are you here for Gradnight?" He randomly asked.

"No. I just wanted to go to the happiest place on Earth and nobody has checked if I had a wristband on or not. I took it off earlier because it was annoying my wrist." I laughed a little before turning my head and trying to fall asleep once again.

"Hey Eleanor!" My friend Trey appeared and sat in front of me. He had been in my history class all of my senior year yet we never spoke once except for today. Today we became best friends and it was the strangest thing ever. I guess that's what happens when you're stuck with someone for a whole day.

He brought a cup of coffee in front of him and began sipping it.

"You're drinking coffee? At two a.m.? Are you insane?" I wiped my eyes.

"Maybe just a little bit." He chuckled, " want some?"

I shook my head and went back to sleep. By the time a cop came to wake me up, the boy had disappeared. I had always wondered who he was, but now I was certain. I had met Adam multiple times before our wedding. He seemed to recall me better than I did him.

My love, Adam Carnegie.


"We regret to inform you, Mrs. Carnegie, that we cannot interview you because our staff is packed. We cannot accept new members. We apologize." Said the fifth bakery I went to. What good does a bachelors degree do from Stanford if all I want to do is a cook?

"That's fine." I nodded annoyingly and walked out once again. My stomach was starting to hurt and my mind kept wandering to ways I could hurt this unborn child. Starve myself? Dehydrate myself? Would that even cause a miscarriage?

I took a deep breath in and let it out. One last job hunt then I would walk to Carnegie Hall and meet with my husband.

I, without a single thought in mind, decided to head into the nearest coffee shop.

"Welcome to Claire's Coffee, what would you like to order?" The girl at the front desk asked. I smiled, she seemed friendly enough.

"Could I get a cup of coffee please, no creamer and one teaspoon of sugar," I muttered.

"Definitely!" She said enthusiastically. She turned around for a second before turning to face me. "Are. . . are you, Eleanor? Eleanor Carnegie?" She asked with a hopeful glint in her eye.

"Yes," I said as her face contorted into a look of a sad puppy.

"I'm so sorry for what happened to you and Adam. I know its none of my business but its been all the drama going on in the news. But I just wanted you to know we all feel for you." She smiled. I nodded, really not wanting this and more importantly not wanting anyone to find out about my pregnancy.

"Thank you," I said, waiting for the girl to stop talking and give me my coffee. She smiled at me and hurriedly made my coffee.

"Here, on the house." She said once again.

"I can pay." I suddenly said standoffishly.

"Oh. . . I mean if you want. . . " She replied, a heartbroken look striking her face. I took out a ten dollar bill and placed it in front of her. No job here. I grabbed my coffee and walked out. I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe its the baby.

I tossed the coffee in the garbage and stepped outside to take a deep breath then rushed to the nearest trashcan and puked.

This demon growing inside me must go.

Hey All!!

Isn't it weird that you meet the most amazing people in the strangest places? A best friend that you're stuck with for a whole entire day.

So you may or may not be able to tell but I GRADUATED ON MAY 30!!!! And based on the start of this chapter, you might also be able to tell that I just had Gradnight at Disneyland and indeed made a new bestie 😂.

Anyway you might also be wondering why I haven't updated in FOREVER and that is because I was busy with my last few weeks of high school with AP exams and Finals so I apologize for taking so long. I also haven't been home half the time because I always am super busy now but I will hopefully be free this summer and will write to my heart's content.

And guess what else!! I am going to college this fall in September and am SUPER excited but that also means I will be extra busy. Apparently college classes are the hardest thing ever so forgive me if I take even LONGER to update.

I hope you forgive me for taking so long! My last day of high school was May 23 so I've spent a lot of time crying recently.

Anyway, I will try harder to update more often! Love you!

Also sorry guys for taking so long I had college orientation and was super busy this summer but I have 2 more months until college starts and I will try to upload as much as possible within the time frame because when college starts, it'll be almost impossible to upload anything.

-Author,, Veronica,, :)

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