Chapter 36: Unprotected

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"How was it?" Rachel smirked as soon as I walked into the kitchen that morning.

"How was what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as she ate the last muffin.

"Sex with Adam. He is literally like an animal in bed, did you two get your sex on?" I used to be like her, so open with my words, now I blushed and remained reserved. I don't understand what the hell happened to me. Depression maybe. I don't know. And how the hell does she remember that it was years ago.

"We didn't. We haven't. I mean. . ." I began but she stood up immediately, seemingly angry.

"You mean to tell me that y'all have been married for over eight months and haven't had sex yet?!"

"It hasn't even been eight months," I muttered bitterly. She was so right, what kind of couple is this.

"Well it does make sense, he doesn't want to do something he will regret. That's how Adam is. He and I had sex one time and I found out I was pregnant and I don't think he's had sex ever again."

"Um. . ." There wasn't a good way to tell her that this made me so jealous and uncomfortable to hear that my husband was with another woman.

"Oh. I get it." She winked once again but I didn't understand what she meant. A moment later an arm wrapped itself around my waist and a kiss was placed upon my cheek.

"Good morning," Adam said, walking over to sit by Rachel as Mattea gave him some cereal.

"Good morning," I whispered, the thought of sex with him erupting inside my mind.


"Is this okay?" I asked, wearing a fancy red dress from our giant closet with a black coat over.

Adam stepped out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel around his waist. His hair was soaked and I couldn't believe my eyes. He never walked out like this. He was always fully dressed.

He hadn't noticed me staring or maybe he had, but nonetheless, he walked over to me and placed a soft hand on my cheek. "You're always beautiful." He kissed me and my heart almost exploded out of my chest at his close nude proximity. He then realized I was growing stiff and unable to reply. "Sorry, I grabbed your underwear by accident so I have to go find mine." He laughed holding some black underwear in his hand that had words in the top white streak written on it.

"It's fine. It would be even better if you wanted to take off that towel. I mean, I wouldn't mind." I said suggestively, my eyes scanning him. He was so perfect. His arms were so perfectly toned and his abs were definitely a sight to behold. His jaw was firm and everything about him seemed perfect in every way imaginable.

"Why don't I then?" He whispered as I gasped, kissing my forehead before smirking and walking into our closet. He had no idea how excited that had made me and the wild explosions of contemplating what his question meant.

The key to a forever relationship is to be friends first, best friends, then things will go smoothly from there. We were almost there, we were close and getting closer. I loved him, but I couldn't bring myself to admit it to his face. Even when I was brave enough to try, I couldn't. I didn't want my parents to know they had won this.

I didn't want anyone to think that other people can ever make decisions for me and leave me happy with that. Especially not decisions as big as marriage. But maybe this one was okay. In all honesty, I couldn't have picked a better husband for myself. I could have gotten stuck with Christian Anderson for the rest of my life, what a disaster. My eyes widened at the realization that he had actually gone along with my sensual innuendos.

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