Chapter 22: Pillow Talk

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"I'm not going to marry someone against my will," I stated, crossing my arms and sitting in the car.

"Eleanor, don't be selfish, this is for mom and dad," Jase said.

"No!" I said stubbornly, backing out of the driveway and onto the grass of the front lawn.

"El, wait," Jase said, rushing up to the car and sitting in the passenger seat.

After a long pause, he finally spoke.

"You want to go to the beach?" He asked smiling.

"No," I repeated the word.

"Then let me drive."

"You're annoying." I laughed, backing out of the driveway and down the road toward the Santa Barbara beach.

I drove on the highway as Jase began explaining why it would be a good idea for me to marry Adam.

"No." I kept repeating. It seemed like the only word I know.

"El, come on. If you don't do it, I might just die."

I stared at him for a second as we both burst laughing and the next thing I knew, my car had driven off the cliff of the highway. Falling and flying. Falling and flying to our doom.

A loud sound came as electrical power shut off and the car began filling with dark colored water.

"Jase?" I shouted as I looked over at him, pounding on the glass window of the car. I tore off my seat belt and watched his hand turn bloody as the window shattered and water rushed into the car.

He signaled for me to get out, I shook my head viciously.

Save yourself. I wanted to say as it began getting harder to breathe.

He shook his head, grabbing my arm and knocking the door open as the car continued to sink lower and lower.

I finally got out of the car and began swimming to the shore, desperately searching for air.

My head broke the surface as I gasped the breath of life, water sputtering out of my mouth.

I frantically searched the area for Jase. The vast ocean seemed to stare back at me with a knowing look, a look that slashed my heart into two pieces.

"Jase!" I coughed, shouting. I took a calming breath, but my heart rate began rising. Panic attacked me swiftly, ripping me apart.


"Jase!" I called again, sputtering lyrics wildly in the water. My arms flailed wildly in search of my big brother. "Jase where are you?' I shouted.

"Eleanor! Eleanor! Eleanor, wake up!" A strong arm shook my shoulders as the water all seemed to fade away into chocolate brown eyes.

"It was Jase, where's Jase? He was just here, what happened to him?" I gasped, shuffling out of my bed and trying to get off.

"Eleanor," Adam whispered, grabbing my waist and pulled me to him, kissing my neck softly, holding me so I couldn't move away from his warm grasp.

"Adam, where's Jase." I cried, then it struck me. I know where Jase is.


These nightmares have to stop. Please stop.

I shut my eyes tightly, wishing the tears would stop.

I turned around to look at Adam, his chocolate brown eyes warming as he pulled me closer, placing his chin in the crook of my neck.

"It's okay." He whispered. Those two simple words seemed to put my pieces together, if only for a second.

I tilted my head to where I was now facing him. His brown eyes were close and his breath brushing over me. I felt a sudden shiver run across my spine and I then realized something.

I like Adam Carnegie. He is not that bad and he's pretty much been there for me since everything happened. My eyes glanced at his lips, his beautifully tanned skin shone in the night. And then I was kissing him. Kissing him with something I'd never felt before. Kissing him wildly, desperately needing the comfort of his lips on mine. I needed him.

"Eleanor." He whispered, pulling his lips away from mine as I stretched my neck to reach his lips again.

"Please, Adam I need this," I whispered, my mind going crazy as my eyes grew glassy. I leaned into him, inhaling the scent of his natural cologne. His smell was all I would ever want to smell for ever.

A smug grin appeared on his handsome face. I found myself staring at his perfect bone structure, the cheekbones, the perfect jaw, the intense eyes.

"Or we could just talk." He suggested, placing his arm around my bare midriff and placing a sweet kiss on my forehead.

"Who is Rachel?" I bluntly asked as his face seemed to pale and lose all colors. He seemed shocked and absolutely silent for several minutes.

"I meant. Let's talk about you." He finally said, turning to face me as we lay face to face.

"What about me?" I grimaced, my blonde hair straggling in the light wind of the air conditioner. "You already know stuff about me."

"Eleanor, let's play a game." He grinned, intertwining our fingers. "20 Questions." He grinned cheekily, I wanted to kiss him, his face seemed to lighten up and a wide smile spread across my face.


"Will you kiss me?"


"Will you kiss me now?"


"Adam!" I groaned, burying my face into his chest. We'd been going at it for almost an hour now, yet he wouldn't give in.

"Ask a real question, Eleanor." he chuckled.

"Fine." I pursed my lips, putting my thinking face on, "Why won't you kiss me?"



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