Chapter 49: Heinous Crimes

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The sun began to rise as sweat trickled down my face. We'd been going at it all night on the bed, on the floor, anywhere. I couldn't keep my hands off of him and neither could he.

I breathed heavily as we finally got out of bed. I looked at his glorious body, lying beside me now breathlessly. There were red marks on his shoulders as he turned to get off the bed, I could see the damage I'd done to his back as well.

I never did that before, to anyone. I looked away, feeling slightly guilty.

"Good morning beautiful." He laughed as if we had gotten any sleep at all last night. He kissed me lazily, sending shockwaves across my body, walking toward the bathroom after the most mind blowing night of my life. "Care to join me?"

He smirked as I stretched my sore muscles and followed behind him.

I mean, who can turn down sex with Adam Carnegie?


"Well don't you look happy." Mattea pointed out as she handed me my coffee downstairs, "I wonder what happened last night." She winked as I blushed.

"We. . ." I began, but she cut me off.

"I know, I walked in at around midnight to get my purse and heard everything." She shuddered as I looked away. I didn't think we had been that loud.

"Sorry." I laughed nervously, taking a sip of my black coffee and placing it back on the kitchen counter. Footsteps fell on the stairs as Adam approached us in the kitchen, already dressed for work.

"Good morning Mattea." He said, his eyes trained on me.

"Well, I better go, clean the. . . uh, the garage." Mattea scurried out of the kitchen as Adam sat beside me.

"You're amazing." He whispered, facing me as I grinned. I leaned forward and pecked his lips.

"Do you have to go to work today?" I murmured, slowly looking into his loving brown eyes.

"Unfortunately, my dad left a huge mess. I don't kn. ."

"Mhm." I scooted closer, placing a hand on his thigh as he froze.

"Eleanor," he warned now, a smirk forming as I moved my hand further up his leg. He suddenly stood up quickly and grimaced, taking a few steps away from me. "I'm afraid if I stay here another second, I might not be at work today." He laughed. I walked up beside him, knowing that he needed to go.

"Fine," I laughed, wrapping my arms around him in a hug.

"I'll be back around eight tonight," he whispered and backed away, his lips met my forehead and then he was off and out of the house in seconds.

I stood dazed for a moment, not knowing what to do with myself. I knew I had missed the last few check ups for my baby, but I didn't want to go, I wanted the thought of Vladimir's child to have been a hoax, but the moment Mattea walked in telling me that the doctor was on the phone, I just knew I had to go. I felt lighter and extremely happy.

It wouldn't have hurt to check up on the child, it was weird that my baby bump hadn't even begun to show yet. To see what gender it was at the very least.

"Mattea, could you tell Adam that I will be in California until tomorrow, I have to go to Dr. Scott and I'd really like to go with Pure. I heard she was back from her honey moon a while ago."

"Sure Mrs. Carnegie, I mean Eleanor." She corrected herself, walking toward the phone as I reached for the laptop and scheduled a flight to California, the earliest time was in a few hours, at around nine a.m. so I reluctantly paid the ticket and walked into the living room. I pressed the buzzer.

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