Chapter 35: Disorganized Gifts

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Christmas is the time of year when giving is everyone's main priority. Everyone but Rachel.

Who, with my husbands help, divorced her abusive husband and is now staying with us for god know how long. I couldn't wait until she left, but lately, I realized I would miss her when she leaves. She had become the sister I never had. Well, I did have, but she died.

She had a lot of things in common with Jase. And yes, he had been a figment of my imagination, according to doctor Chang. Who so kindly assumed I was an alcoholic and wanted to place me into rehab. Shortly after, she found a law suit against the doctor, it wasn't me. I promise.

I didn't believe her at first, but I couldn't care less anymore. My main focus now is Adam Carnegie. The love of my life. But I wasn't ready to admit that to him.

We sat side by side on the bed, him on his back with my body carved into his side.

"So what do you think Mattea would want for Christmas?"

"Maybe a mixer? I don't know if she has one at her house, but I love her cookies and once she said she wishes she had one like that at her home."

"Okay, we can get her that and something else too? Do you know what else she likes?"

"I don't know, I've known her was less than you have." I laughed. His arm was around my shoulder, rubbing patterns into my arm.

"Okay, how about Max?"

"Who?" I asked.

"The limousine driver." Adam's brown eyes glistened with such raw emotion when he looked at me. His passionate glance had my heart racing.

"Um. . . I don't know? A key chain?" I laughed. "I don't know half your staff."

"Do you think he would want a new car? I know he has six kids so maybe a van?"

"How about something that doesn't cost fifty-thousand dollars." I laughed. "Like a new TV or something."

"Yeah, that's good." He said, writing it down on his iPad.

We had one through over twenty people, some of which I had never heard of before. And others were his employees. I think once he mentioned the flight attendant lady who so happened to not be a flight attendant, but his secretary. She and I need to have a chat.

After he put his iPad onto the floor under us, he turned to me and quickly pecked my lips.

"What was that for?" I asked, a non-dying smile on my lips. I couldn't force it away.

"Because I love you." He grinned. "I have the most beautiful, smart, and amazing wife." I wanted to point out that this wasn't real but there was no point in ruining the moment with my childlike attitude.

"And I have the most. . ." I thought about it before smirking and laughing, "Intelligent forceful husband." He laughed. Lately, I had been thinking about our honey moon all those months ago, when the crazy fortune teller told us our fate.

Two kids and love. Did I even want kids? We never spoke of this sort of things, even the topic of sex never came up anymore. I hoped it would soon though because I have been deprived for almost half of a year now. But he loved me, and I sure as hell, try as I might, loved him too.

I guess I am glad that he made me wait this long because I had been addicted to sex like Christian had taught me to be. I recall in junior year of high school before Pure moved into town, he and I would do it over and over almost every day for eight months straight. I thought that if I kept giving him what he wanted, he would love me and keep his attention on me alone. But I shouldn't have been so insecure, and I shouldn't have given him my virginity, to begin with, and I shouldn't have forced myself into his life and begged him to love me.

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