Chapter 31: Poor Little Me

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I hate him. How dare he. How the hell could he do this to me? What has he been doing these past two months?

These were all a series of thoughts that ran through my mind as I had a heart attack. I wanted to literally attack her heart with the needles that had been in my arms moments ago. To strangle the living daylights out of her until all she was was darkness. She had only barely introduced herself but an instant jealousy filled my insides.

I wanted to punch her until she cried.

What. The. Hell?!

He tells me that he will be gone for a month. Yet he is gone for two. And who the hell does he come back with? His freaking ex-girlfriend.

I couldn't fathom any possible scenario in which this was even logical. What does she even want?

He tells me he doesn't trust me. Right after he tells me he loves me. Talk about counter productive.

I sat silently in the bed now, watching them watch me like I was some sort of zoo animal.

"Eleanor. . ." Adam said, trying to explain but I would have none of it.

"I don't want to talk to you. Take me home and let me sleep." I said sternly and shut my eyes. Maybe if I pretend I am asleep long enough, he will go away and so will the she-wolf.

"Listen, Eleanor, I probably should have told you, but my phone wouldn't work, the service wouldn't connect where I was."

"Which was?" I kept my eyes shut and decided to start covering my ears.

I heard muffled sounds and a weight lift off the bed.

"If you want to be immature then we will talk later." Adam had the most frustrated expression I had ever seen plastered on his handsome features. He had definitely gotten way buffer. I wondered momentarily if it was because he was having sex with her, if he had ever sex with her before. But then I realized that I could care less and that he and I are fakes and our relationship will end in a matter of months, hopefully, if my dad's plan works.

D.i.v.o.r.c.e. The most hated word in Adam's dictionary was slowly becoming part of my advanced vocabulary.

I saw the glint in the red heads eyes before they walked out together. Leaving me alone, feeling like the third wheel even though I am the wife.

"I hate Adam. Adam hates me. This relationship will end in d.I.v.o.r.c.e. With a great big court case and a whole lot of suing. He left a gaping hole in my heart." I mumbled to the anthem of Barney's "I love you" song.

"Wow. Didn't know you felt that way." A stuck up voice said with a slight tinge of a western accent. "I mean I would be grateful to have someone like Adam in my life."

I pretended not to hear it. Stop being so immature.

"You cheated on him three times right?" she asked.

"What," I asked dumbfounded

"With that Christian guy and Noah and Christian again at the café and in Adam's house twice." I opened my eyes to glare at her. How the hell did she know?

I stared at her. How did she know?

"Nurse! Help! I am dying! Help me!" I shouted, grasping my shoulder as a nurse walked in and kicking violently.

"Sorry, ma'am you're going to have to leave. We have to keep her here until tomorrow to make sure her body is stable and she isn't having any more hallucinations." An older woman said, kicking Rachel out of the room.

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