Chapter 12: Understanding Boundaries

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Adam and I agreed that after tonight's ritual thing, we would go somewhere else, Hawaii maybe. But after that weird encounter with fate in the form of a fortune teller today, my mind had been going crazy.

Two kids? Love? These are all figments of a fairy tale. I could never love someone who forced me into anything.

"Ready?" He asked, walking out in nothing but shiny golden shorts, that looked like they'd been made of pure gold on his god-like body. My eyes went from his chiseled jaw down to his naked chest then to his abs, slowly simmering down even to his perfectly shaped feet.

I had married this hunk. All mine. I smiled as our eyes met. If only he would let me be his. I groaned internally and stood up.

"I see you're enjoying the view." He smirked, noticing my eyes. Ugh, he just had to ruin the moment. I was speechless, normally I wouldn't care getting caught checking out a guy, but this one time felt weird. I felt oddly shy, blushing wildly.

"Not so bad yourself." He winked. When he wasn't wearing a tux, he turned into a completely different person. And I liked it. I hadn't yet put on my cover up. I was merely sitting on the hotel bed, trying to tighten my knee length sandals that had a fancy Greek touch to them. I put on a golden head band that had beautiful leaves embroidered into it. I looked up at his brown intense gaze.

My heart clogged my throat, blocking the air capacity to my brain. Words were a thing of the past.

"Done." I quietly said, crossing my perfectly tanned legs.

He walked up to me and placed the cover up over my head. "I don't want things getting out of hand." He smirked.

"Speak for yourself, go put a shirt on." I laughed as he grabbed the hotel room key card with one hand and grabbed my hand with the other.

I smiled at him, my eyes landing on our hands and then trailed up to his beautifully toned arms and his sexy jawline. I wanted to do so many things to him.

"Let's go then before I end up doing something to be regretted." He laughed.

"Having sex with your wife is not something to regret." I said, "We're married now, so I guess it's kind of more legal to have sex." I tossed the word around. I knew his family was strict Christians but I wasn't sure if he had sex before or if I would end up being his first time. I hoped shortly that I could be his first time but then again inexperienced guys suck.

Suddenly I was pushed up against the door, his burning eyes looked at me with a fiery intensity. I looked at him, biting my lip. His thumb traced my lip as he leaned in dangerously. Now would usually be about the time I pulled him closer and kissed him, but I couldn't.

"Don't tempt me." He whispered, his minty breath brushing lightly against my lips. The tension surged inside me, I wanted so bad for him to close the distance between us, but instead, he pulled away completely. I stood by the door, dazed at what just almost happened. A guy has never been able to be so unpredictable around me before. I am usually the one who is unpredictable.

He held the door wide open for me. The freezing air hit me as soon as I stepped outside. He looked at me for a second, then rushed back inside.

I wanted to walk back in with him, maybe this time I would pin him to the wall.

I began taking a step forward when a sudden shake of the earth sent jolts across my heart. This freaking city was out to get me, I just knew it. I was suddenly thrown up into the air by strange men in golden skirts. They all had a golden band around their heads and around their right bicep.

Fear filled my eyes. They were going to offer me as a sacrifice and kill me. Were there even laws against murder on this island? I opened my eyes as my butt landed on a soft cushion.

"We have chosen our Queen for this day's holy ritual. What is your name your majesty?" They all seemed so serious, my eyes searched the crowd, landing on Adam Carnegie's amused expression.

"Eleanor." I croaked, shaking my head at Adam as he toppled over laughing. I glared at him through my own amused eyes.

"All hail Queen Eleanor!" They shouted loudly. I placed my hand on my forehead, my eyebrows furrowing as I watched Adam walk through the crowd and stand in front of my seat.

"Can I please have my wife back now?" He laughed casually as the men stared at him.

"Then catch." The men holding the chair up tilted it forward, I flew out, screaming my head off.

"Adam!" I shouted nervously in the air, landing in strong arms, having the air knocked out of me and my breathing became shallow.

"I've got you." He whispered, holding me close against his bare chest as he lost balance and fell backward, protectively holding my body in his arms. I felt small bursts of emotion in my stomach and shivers miraculously running down my spine.

"Let the festivities begin! Our Queen has found her mate!" The crazy men shouted as women in short gold dresses ran around with bottles of wine and cups. "Drink tonight! Celebrate tomorrow!" The man yelled as someone handed me a cup. The crazy people of this island jumped around us in circles before dispersing and chanting incomprehensible words.

Another person poured wine into it along with everyone else in the crowd. Instantaneously, the almost empty pool area turned into a wildly loud event. People dancing and throwing each other into the water.

"Here is your wedding certificate." The men said, walking past us with a giant cake. As soon as I reached for it, they tossed it in my face, getting cake all over my cover up.

I triumphantly took it off, feeling eyes land on me and my skimpy golden swimsuit.

"Wanna go for a swim?" Adam asked, turning his attention to the pool.

What I really wanted was to go skinny dipping in that pool when nobody was around. Just me and Adam.

"I've got other things in mind." I winked seductively, running my hand through my hair as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders in the dead of night. His eyes locked with mine as they had hours earlier before the madness of a ritual.

"Like what?" He smirked. I've decided that I really, really love it when he smirks. I took a couple gulps of the strong wine and began walking toward the pool. I jumped in, trying to refresh my mind.

It was odd how the air had become so thick all of the sudden, I felt light headed as real air came into contact. His lips were on mine and the world seemed to be spinning. Until I began grossly spitting out water mixed with wine.

"Eleanor, didn't anyone ever tell you not to swim while drunk?"

"Kiss me again." I smiled, staring at him as his eyes darken a bit.

He stared at me for a while, contemplating, "I'm not going to take advantage of you."

"Why not, it's not taking advantage, I want this. If you were me I'd do you. Wait that came out wrong. I mean if you were drunk and asked me to sex you up, I mean. . ." I said, then I began hiccuping.

It was the most annoying thing ever.

"Eleanor I think you need a nap." He smirked, I felt my heart fluttering as he helped me stand up. Alcohol ruins everything. I hated being drunk.

I purposely leaned into him, making sure my chest and legs scraped his every few seconds.

"Eleanor, whatever you're doing, it's not working." He said, his voice a little shaky. His eyes were saying otherwise. Clearly, it was working.

And I would keep it up. I mean, don't married couples have sex during their honeymoon?

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And AROMATIC by me and JulianaLaBrabt

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