Chapter 10: Guilt

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Be sure to check out "The Boy Who Read Minds" on my profile! Recently #1 in Teen Fiction and #2 Romance!!


"Hey." Adam stepped into the living room, a warm smile on his devilishly handsome face. I grinned deviously. Pretending that nothing had happened while he was away.

"Adam." I acknowledged his existence and began walking upstairs to our bedroom.

"Eleanor, wait," he reached for my wrist, "if I've wronged you in any way then please allow me to apologize and . . ."

"I want a divorce," I said sweetly, cutting him off.

"No." His voice hardened and so did his eyes as he stared at me in confusion. He began walking up stairs and I followed cautiously. I felt like I was walking on hot lava. "Did something happen in here? While I was gone?"

He looked at the crumpled bed sheets and my bra lying on the floor.

"Yeah, I almost had sex with my friend's fiancé," I said honestly but it sounded too absurd to be true so he wouldn't believe it.

"Eleanor, I trust you. I know you wouldn't do that."

"Trust is a strong word to use there, big boy." I laughed, lying casually on the bed as he stared at me in confusion and complete exhaustion.

"I'll be right back." He said, walking into the bathroom. In the meantime, I pulled out my phone, staring at pictures of me and Christian. I missed those days when sex was available at the touch of a button.

I know what I did with Noah was wrong. But never in my life have I had a shot at the kind of love my parents have and that is all I've ever wanted. Ever since my baby sister died when she was two, I'd been trying to find someone, anyone to fill that gaping hole in my heart. I'd taken advantage of plenty of guys in my lifetime, especially in college but not so much in high school, and now that I'm married, who's to say I will ever stop.

Adam stepped out in a black shirt and sweatpants. He looked delicious.

"I know what you did. Or tried to do. This house has ears. And I want you to know that I forgive you. But if it ever happens again. . ."

"You'll what?" I was asking for a fight, tweaking the little buttons until he starts yelling. Putting up walls of avoidance. "Divorce me? That's what I want." I muttered.

"You know what Eleanor when I met you four years ago, you were nothing like this."

"We... we've met before?" I furrowed my brows, staring at his handsome brown eyes.

"Yeah." He paused, furrowing his eyebrows,  "Did you actually think I'd let my dad choose some random girl for me to marry? No, I chose you. For a reason."

"Right. . . a reason. Must've been a pretty good one for you to want to be stuck with me forever."

"A month before your high school graduation," he began, "I remember seeing you sitting on the outside of that church back when my dad had a meeting in Florida, and you were crying. I asked you why and you told me it was nothing to be bothering me about.

But I knew it was hurting you. It took me a while to pry it out of you, but you ended up telling me that life will always get better and I believed you because I was going through a pretty rough patch as well at the time. We'd talked through everything, you helped me realize there was hope from the dark place I had buried myself in.

But Eleanor, the girl I met then has been the one I'd been searching for until I found you a month later. I was the guy standing beside the president of your class at graduation, but I wouldn't interfere because you were with that other guy and I didn't want to ruin it for you."

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