Chapter 17: Adam's Girl

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A dim light coming in from the blinds landed on my eyes. My lashes fluttered open as the faint smell of eggs stung me.

I sat up in bed, my fingers tracing my swollen bottom lip from Adam and I's makeout session last night. I smiled at the memory, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Morning beautiful." Adam smiled, walking toward me on the bed. I suddenly felt my stomach churning and causing cramps to form. The pain was so unimaginable, I rushed to the bathroom, pushing past him.

I need a pad. There were none to be found. I looked around the bathroom.

"Eleanor are you okay?" Adam asked, standing beside the unlocked bathroom door. The pain in my stomach was too much, I was unable to utter a word. I shut my eyes, this tension must've been caused by stress, my period wasn't due for another week.

"Eleanor?" He asked again. "Eleanor I'm coming in." He said.

"N. . .no I'm fine." I breathed strenuously, suddenly feeling the urge to puke. I turned toward the toilet, waiting for the contents of my stomach to pour out. I heard the weird choking sound of barf coming up my throat as I grasped my stomach. Today would be a horrible day, I just knew it.

"Eleanor!" I heard him urgently say as he rushed into the bathroom and stared at me from across the bathroom.

"I'm f. . .fine." I said, having trouble speaking with the immense pain in my stomach.

"Don't look fine to me." He said a small smirk on his face with sadness in his eye.

"Well I am, Adam get out!" I said turning my attention to the toilet and feeling the vile taste of barf in my mouth. Suddenly he was by my side, the warm fabric of his sweatpants brushing the revealed skin on my back.

"Do you need to go to a doctor?" He asked curiously.

"No." I breathed heavily, trying to hold down the puke, "I'm on my period." I gasped, another round of barf rushed into the toilet.

"Oh." He said in astonishment, sitting beside me on the floor and holding my hair away from the toilet. He grabbed some toilet paper and tied it around my hair. Such a guy thing to do.

"Please leave Adam."

"No, Eleanor, you're my wife and we stick with each other, you know, to help each other out." I felt butterflies in my belly, pushing the pain to surge forward as he placed a kiss on the side of my head. He stood up and dialed a number.

I couldn't hear what he was saying through the hushed tones, but I couldn't help but focus on anything but the nasty puke currently filling the hotel toilet.

I turned my attention to the door of the bathroom, wondering how much it would hurt to get up and shut it. I changed my mind as soon as he sent me a breathtaking smile and headed back my way. I scooted toward the corner of the bathroom, clutching my stomach.

"They should be here any minute." He smiled adorably, a small pink blush to his melded-to-perfection chiseled cheeks.

"Who should?" I spoke until mid-sentence as the barf erupted up my throat. I quickly rushed back to the toilet and let it out, my head throbbing from the lack of oxygen. I felt dehydrated and in desperate need of water.

The make shift toilet paper hair tie still around my hair as Adam sat beside me and began rubbing my back ever-so-softly. Someone began knocking on the door as Adam stood up and walked over to it.

"Hello, Mr. Carnegie." The lady from the flight, Susan, said, looking at him in lust. It seemed to me that she had a crush on him, or maybe it was something more.

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