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While many do not know what had led up to this horrible event, sources have said it may involve her marriage to Adam Carnegie. She was hit by a semi-truck on Selva Road at around three a.m. on Friday, February 18. The truck driver has been sued by Mr. Adam Carnegie for the death of his wife, but in a counter-suit worth 3.4 million dollars, Clay Utopia, the truck driver, stated that Eleanor ran in front of his truck and won the case.

Adam Carnegie has not been spotted outside his home since the incident last weekend. However, we have a scheduled interview with him this Friday. Eleanor's parents feel responsible for the matter, saying they had forced her to wed Adam Carnegie. The Carnegie's are currently in the middle of a lawsuit with them as well.

Other sources have confirmed that Eleanor Carnegie's medical records had been suddenly erased from her scrimmage with Carnegie and Claiming's corporations. Many have mourned for her loss and this most tragic moment for Adam Carnegie.

Mr. Hank Carnegie put the newspaper aside, a smug smirk on his face as he took a sip of his whiskey. He turned on the television to view what was left of the news. He had thought the sickeningly sweet news would have blown over by now, but it hadn't. It appeared that more and more people were confused as to why the perfect Stanford Graduate who married what appeared to be the perfect husband, took her own life.

Mr. Carnegie tossed his cane aside, reaching for the remote and changing the channel to NLK news. He glared at his idiot son, the boy who couldn't keep his damn mouth shut.

But that's what the Hays family deserved. Mr. Hays had stolen Carnegie's girlfriend back in college, and he smirked happily as his revenge had been received. He had killed their most precious pieces. Their children, Jason and Eleanor, were no more.

"If you want the honest truth, listen here now." Adam appeared as old man Carnegie grasped at his chest. The old man appeared to be having a heart attack and nobody was home to dial 911 for him. His children and even his wife tried to stay as far away from him from possible.

"Hank Carnegie did all of this," Adam said on live air as the old man held tightly onto the drink as it shattered in his hand. "He killed Eleanor's brother. He was the cause of all our problems, that's why my Eleanor, my love, my life, is gone now." Tears streamed freely out of his eyes as the normally loud reporters grew silent.

"I want to tell you all the whole story, I want you to know why my father deserves more than a life sentence in jail, he deserves to die!" Adam shouted through pained eyes into the television screen as grumpy old Mr. Carnegie fell onto the floor, the heat leaving his body.

"A year ago, Eleanor and I took part in an arranged marriage. I loved her from the start and my heart has died along with her," he took a pause, unable to breathe, but he wanted to finish his story. He wanted the world to know the reason behind her death, "she was always the light of my day, always smiling, always impulsively adorable." He cried, holding his heart for a second.

"While we were on our honeymoon, we received a call. Her brother was dead, he had fallen off a cliff in a car that my father's coworker, Christian Anderson, had been driving. This was deliberately done, my father had it planned out to get back at the Hays for things he would never tell me."

Mr. Carnegie now lay dead on the floor, his face pale and finally calm.

"We rushed back, Eleanor was crushed and so was I. I loved her." He paused, taking a breath as millions tuned in to watch Adam splutter the honest truth. "We had been well for a while, life seemed about to be normal. That is until the Scandal occurred that had sent my father to jail for four months. I'm sure you've all heard about this.

And that was only the start. Eleanor was forced to be part of another one of my father's scandals. She was kidnapped while out on a jog and forced into the deepest pit of Carnegie Hall. I searched for weeks until the video popped up and I recognized the place. I saved her and Vladimir, who is innocent in all of this, and ended up in the hospital for a few weeks.

But my baby was safe, " He held himself together as he shifted uncomfortably where he stood, "She was pregnant, and with all the love in her heart was planning on keeping the child until I got a call from one of my father's associates telling me the child needed to die. I regret ever listening to anything they told me..." Adam paused and took a deep breath.

"I... I was the last straw, she trusted me, she loved me, and I betrayed her. After four months of being pregnant, she had gone to a doctor Smith in California. She told Eleanor that she wasn't pregnant and nobody was willing to tell her the truth. But I think the final straw was how she rushed home that night.

She... she... she walked in when my father and I were arguing. He wanted me to divorce her and when I refused, he decided to get me to annul my marriage to the woman I love. On her last day with us, Eleanor was confused and had no idea what was going on.

I remember the last thing she told me to do was sign the papers. She was furious at me, my family. I wish I could have switched with her, she was so kind hearted and loving and the world shouldn't have lost such a beautiful lost soul." He began crying heavily as I watched from my screen.

I have to admit, it did hurt to see him crying on national television. I stepped out from the shadows in old Carnegie's home, a mischevious smile forming.

I had poisoned Carnegie's drink. I had poisoned Carnegie's mind, and I had thrown my old life away.

I wondered how awful it would be if Adam ever found me if I would ever see him again. I shook the thought away, my fake death would be on the news for the next few months and only I knew I was still alive.

I would just have to hide out until the right time came. I loved Adam, but he and everyone I loved had betrayed me. So I needed a fresh start. I had played my part well, collecting the DNA of my dead child and tossing it in front of the truck. I was too clever to die.

And nobody would ever know that I killed my enemy and got away with it.

BOOK 3 will be available on wattpad soon! Follow me to keep track of when it will be updated. Eleanor's Demise. Check it out today!

You've done it! Completed book 2 of the Bliss Series! Congrats! Perhaps not the romance love story you were searching for, but I hope you liked it!

Welcome to the end! Its been an awesome 2 years with you all!! Book 3 is on my profile: Eleanor's demise already has a bunch of chapters ready for you to read! It's almost done now July 11, 2018. Enjoy!

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