Chapter 21: Long Live the King

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The air whooshed past me, my hair flying wildly in the wind. I smiled brightly, pushing further on the gas and listening to the engine roar. My smile grew wider as I neared a car and swerved into the next empty lane. I pushed the car further. Faster.

A wide variety of emotions fluttered through me as a random car turned onto my lane, going at 80 mph. I immediately braked and turned back onto my original lane, I was growing frustrated. All these slow people going at 80.

I groaned, honking my horn in annoyance and began tailgating whoever was in front of me.

They began speeding up, probably in fear that I would bump into them.

Good. I grinned, passing the stupid car that had earlier hopped in front of me and resumed my 120 mph speed. I slowed down as soon as my eyes landed on the flashing red and blue lights behind me. A loud siren began ringing in my ears.

Gross. Police.

I sped up, pretending to not notice and began driving faster. I mean, what could they possibly ever do to the wife of Adam Carnegie?

All four lanes of the freeway had been filled with slow drivers all going at 70 mph now. I groaned, wishing I could drive through them and continue.

I slowed down and went past the yellow "Do Not Pass" lines.

Maybe he'll give me a break if I stop now. . .

"License and Registration." The officer said as I opened my window.

"What did I do wrong officer?" I asked, faking a British accent and smiling innocently.

He looked at me like I was stupid. "You were speeding."

"Well sir, actually in Britain this was under speed. . ." I lied, having absolutely no idea what I was making up. He gave me a funny look.

"Ma'am I don't think 120 miles per hour is below speed in any country." The officer said. "License and Registration." He repeated, his face turning into a smirk.

"How about we forget this whole ordeal and we go grab some lunch?" I asked, losing my fake British accent.

"Look, I don't make the laws, I just enforce them. Do you have a license miss?"

"Actually it's Mrs," I clarified, my electric blue eyes stared at him completely bored.

"Ah, so you're married?" He smirked, leaning on the window.

"Yeah, and my husband would be very upset to find out I'm with another man. Let me let you in on a little secret." I said as the police officer crossed his arm.

"Would that happen to be your name?" He laughed, buying into my flirtation.

"Eleanor." I said, starting the engine, "Carnegie." I began driving away, a smirk on my face at his dumbfounded expression. I looked at the rearview mirror to his shocked, almost fearful face.

How did Adam's name make this guy so afraid? I didn't care as I sped down the highway, a content smirk on my face. The Carnegie family sure had a reputation.


"Had fun?" Austin, the doorman asked as we walked into the hotel. He took my car keys and put them in a slot.

"Definitely. Where's Adam?" I asked, fluffing my fantastic blonde hair as I began walking to the elevator.

"In the dining area Mademoiselle," Austin said, departing from me and continuing whatever he had priorly been doing.

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