Chapter 14: Far from Alone

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***check out the boy who read minds!*** this full book is available on Amazon under the title "The girl that burst"

I sat on the airplane silently, staring out the window, a cloud of gloom looming overhead as silent tears fell down my cheeks and onto my lap.

Memories of the times when Jase and I were kids roamed in my mind. The clouds below me seemed dull. Seemed horrifying. The wide smile on his face just days ago when I'd tried to escape this marriage. The train station. It all came rushing into my mind.

I blinked away angrily at the annoying tears. I wish I could have switched places with him, he doesn't deserve to die so young.

He was the most amazing brother and so very kind and supportive of all I did. Tears began slicing quicker through my cheeks, like a fish through water.

The oceans seemed to have left their location and instead decided to rummage to my eyes.

He was gone.


My big brother, the boy who practically raised me was gone.

I remember all the times in highschool when he'd come home and bring icecream, knowing Christian always did something to upset me.

He was gone. Tears streamed down my face in mobs of horror as I held back a waterfall from escaping. The window seemed to blur in a whirl of water. Nothing seemed good anymore.

"Hey," a slick voice whispered beside me, "you're gonna be okay." Adam was sitting beside me, hugging me closely. I wiped my eyes from the tears drooling out of my eyes.

"N. . . no, I won't! He. . . He's dead." I cried loudly, my face soaked. It's a good thing skin is waterproof.

"Eleanor, we'll get through this." Adam's encouraging words rung through my ears. I quietly buried myself in his chest. He tightened his warm embrace around my shoulder, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

The small spot he'd kissed still burned like fire, tingling in strange ways it's never done before. As soon as he heard the news from his dad, who was told by my dad, he decided to pause our honeymoon and get back to it after Jase's funeral.

Funeral. My brother is dead.

I began crying harder. Maybe they made a mistake, maybe he's still alive.

I shut my eyes, staring out the window once again. Adam remained silent as he released me and began typing something on his iPad.

I didn't want to live anymore. Life seemed so pointless without my brother, my one trusted and kindest. . . And now he's gone.


"Eleanor, wake up." A warm breath ushered beside my cheeks, it had a strange scent of mints and watermelon.

"Jase?" I asked, hoping so badly it was him.

I slowly opened my swollen eyes. Small soft lumps beneath each.

It took me a minute to figure out where I was, who I was with, and why I was crying. But as soon as those questions ran though my mind, I wanted them to leave.

These things have destroyed every part of me.

"Adam," I said, staring into his warm, inviting brown eyes. I wanted to get lost in them and cry forever. I stood up, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him closely. "Are we here?"

"Yeah, we're almost to California, are you hungry?" He smiled slightly.

"You woke me up to ask if I was hungry?" I smiled, rolling my seawater blue eyes.

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