Chapter 3: The Proposal

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Due to Copyright, several blurbs have been removed from the story, where they are missing, it will say (MISSING BLURB). Purchase the book on amazon under: The Girl That Burst by Veronica Soliman.


I stared wide eyed at the giant crowd. Does he always get followed by paparazzi or was it just this one night? He is a pretty famous guy, but only because he was the heir to a trillion dollar company.

I wanted to fall and break every bone in my body. This was humiliating as cameras began flashing. I looked like trash in this dress and felt like it too in comparison to Adam Carnegie.

Does this happen on a regular basis for this crazy guy?

"Shall we?" He whispered harmlessly as he reached for my hand. His touched burned me, I quickly pulled away as a smirk appeared on his too handsome face, instead he snaked his arm around my waist. I felt utterly disgusted as the hundreds of people holding cameras stepped aside to take pictures.

Why did he want to marry me? What the hell? I'm not a commitment type of person. He seemed ruthless, unwavered by the uninterested responses I gave.

I stared at the ground, unwilling to embarrass my family name by trying to run as he led me inside the giant fancy restaurant.

I stepped in as people began to stare at us, there were chandeliers made of glass and diamonds everywhere. I was astonished, staring in wonder at how such a fancy place existed, and how I'd never known about it before.

I looked up into his glimmering brown eyes, he looked so handsome in this light.

I should not think these thoughts. He's a monster, to be WED to me tomorrow night.

I grimaced as the waiter led us to a seat, isolated by glass away from all others. It was a bit too fancy for my taste. I preferred more classic dinners, at the beach maybe and going for a swim after. Or skinny dipping.

His arm was still wrapped around my waist, as though to prevent me from running away, and seemed to tighten as the waiter began checking me out. I wanted to pry his hands away, to tell him to back off. I smiled at the tall waiter, he looked around my age, he had a deep scar on the side of his left brow that looked as though it was out of place. I smiled at him.

"Mr. Carnegie, a pleasure to see you again, what would you and your. . ." He paused, waiting for my response.

"Acquaintance," I interjected as a devious smile appeared on Adam Carnegie's lips. He looked like he was scheming in his mind and only let small parts of his plan show every once in a while.

"This is Eleanor, my girlfriend, pay no attention to her, she likes to make jokes." He gave the waiter a half smile, an evil glint was in his eyes, "we'd like two glasses of champagne."

"Okay, sir." The waiter said as he jotted down the orders and walked away.

"I'm not legally allowed to drink," I stated, annoyed by this man already.

"Yes, I know Eleanor, but since when have you let rules stand in your way?" He smirked as I felt my cheeks heat up, I wondered how he knew but didn't press any further.

When there are cameras recording our every move. I wanted to say but refrained from being rude. The cameras were watching.

"What do you want with me? You can have whoever you want, someone who actually. . ." I began attempting to squirm my way out of this arrangement but was cut short as he reached for my hand and whispered dangerously.

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